24~ Attack 2🌊

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Jakes POV
As we got down the stairs, I went back into my office to see Chad stood there holding Olivia's vlog camera.
"Jake." Chad said with tears forming in his eyes " Liv's camera was still recording after I told Grayson about the police. And it had been recoding for like 30 mins so the attack might be in her video."
"Kade can you look at it with Chad please. I don't really want to see my twin sister being almost murdered" I said as I began to cry.
"Sure bro" Kade said and took the memory card out her camera and put in in his connector to the computer.
I left my office and walked into the kitchen. Around her was Grayson, Ethan, Tessa, Erika, Tony, Chance and Ray.
I went and sat by Grayson who was just crying.
"We will give you space." Tessa said giving me a hug. Everyone then left the kitchen and went into the living room. Me and Grayson just sat there with unconscious Liv lay in front of us. From the living room we heard crying and people saying "it's my fault" or "who do u think did it"
I turned to Grayson and said "bro, no matter what the outcome is, we all need to be strong. We both love her so much we can't just let her go. Shes everyone's BestFriend and I know she will pull through this."
He looked at me and replied " I know just if she goes then we will all be broken. I lost her three and a half years ago and I can't lose her again."
We sat there for what felt like hours until Ethan came in to the kitchen "the police and paramedics are here." He said and then he brought them to us.
Me and Grayson just broke down crying so Nick and Ray explained what happened.
They picked Liv up onto a stretcher and we carried her into the Ambulance.
"Who is related to her?" The Paramedic asked.
"I'm her twin brother and that's her boyfriend." I said pointing to Grayson
"Ok guys come with me please." He said bluntly.
"Tony or Chance, can you meet us at the hospital with the team ten van?" I asked
"Sure. Well come when the police are gone" Tony replied with a weak and comforting smile.
" Thanks Guys." I said.
Logan suddenly pulled up and ran towards us.
"Who are you?" The other paramedic asked.
" I'm her older brother Logan Paul." Logan said.
"Chance do mom and Dad know?" I asked
"Neither of them picked up" he said.
"Ok I'll call them" Logan said.
We said goodbye to everyone and then we got into the ambulance with Liv.

Logan's POV
I got into the ambulance and saw my little sister with multiple stab wounds in her arms and chest. I sat down and phoned my mom.
L- Hey mom
P- Hey Logan what's up
L- Mom I need you to go to the hospital asap.
P- why? Logan are you ok?
L- yes I'm just about shook and so is Jake.
P- Logan what is going on are you pranking me?
L- No mom honestly Liv was attacked with a knife in the kitchen and were on our way to the hospital
P- oh my god my baby.
L- please mom come as fast as you can.
P- Honey i will be there as fast as I can. Shall I pick up your Dad?
L- yes please. Me, Jake and Grayson are in the ambulance with her so we will see you there.
P- ok stay safe and I love you all.
L- Bye mom
P- Bye honey.
I ended the call and just looked at my little innocent sister. 

Jakes POV
We all sat there just preying that Liv would be okay. I knew that this will effect all of us for a while so I decided to let the fans know that we will not be active.
Hey Guys
We are really sorry to say this but we will not be posting any videos for a month or two. Unfortunately our house was broken into and Olivia was attacked by a knife and bat in the kitchen. Please don't moan about us not uploading because Liv has nearly died and we all want her to make a full recovery before we continue uploading.
All we know about the situation is that Olivia was hit around the head with a bat and then she was stabbed in the chest several times and in her arms.
Please put all your thoughts and prayers towards Olivia and us right now.
Best wishes
Jake and the rest of team 10

After that, I just turned my phone off and waited till we got to the hospital.

Reunited~ Grayson Dolan, Ethan Dolan, Team 10, Jake Paul💓Where stories live. Discover now