65- Moving Out?

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Olivia's POV
It has been one month since me and Grayson got married. We went on a romantic honeymoon to Hawaii and it was amazing. The twins have turned 9 months old and Tessa and Ethan are now engaged.

Grayson's POV
I woke up to Liv getting out of the shower. I saw her put on her outfit and put her hair in a messy bun. She then put on some natural makeup and gave me a kiss before heading downstairs.

I showered and then went into Ariana and Baileys room, got them and then took them downstairs with me

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I showered and then went into Ariana and Baileys room, got them and then took them downstairs with me. Olivia was down there making pancakes so I put the babies on their play mat and helped her. We ate and then I went into my office to edit some videos.
As I was editing with Ethan,I heard a knock on my door and Olivia walked in.
"Hey babe" I said
"Hey do you have a minute?" She asked
"I'll leave you two alone for a bit." Ethan said standing up and walking out.
"What's up sunshine?" I smiled patting the seat next to me.
She came and sat down before speaking. "I think we should move out. I mean like I love everyone here but I think we could do with some of our own space to raise Ariana and Bailey."
"I totally agree!" I smiled "This place is so amazing but it is quite big and loud. And there are so many people her too. It would be nice to get away from here."
"I saw a place a few houses down from Logan's. There was another one for sale next door to it and Tessa liked that one for her and Ethan and the twins."
"That's good then because we would still be near to everyone."
"Yeah we would and this place isn't the safest place for the babies."
"I know it's not. There is a viewing there in one hour if you want to go and have a look around." I said looking on my laptop.
"Sure we can go. I'll ask Logan to look after the twins because he doesn't see them much."
"Okay that sounds perfect." I booked the viewing and closed my laptop.

We walked out went into the living room. I grabbed the girls and started playing with them.

Olivia's POV
Me and Grayson walked out of his office and went into the living room. I grabbed my phone and rang Logan.
O- Hey Logan
L- Hey Olivia what's Gucci?
O- are you vlogging this?
L- No. why are you asking.
O- Because this is private.I need to ask you a favour.
L- what's up? What do you need?
O- Me and Grayson are looking for a new place to live which is a few houses down from your place. So we were wondering if you will babysit your nieces for an hour or two while we look.
L- of course I will babysit them! What time?
O- like in an hour?
L- I will be gone for like 10 minutes but mom is at mine so leave them with her.
O- ok I'll see you later
L- peace

I went upstairs and got the diaper bag for Logan. It has some spare diapers, wipes and toys. I go downstairs with the bag and make up the girls some bottles. I put them in and then I call Grayson. We put the girls in the car and then we got in. Logan's house was just under 30 minutes away.

We pulled into Logan's street and went to his house. Grayson parked the car and we got out. We went to the back and we grabbed the twins. I grabbed Bailey and my handbag and Grayson grabbed Ariana and the diaper bag. I rung the doorbell and Evan opened it.
"Hey Ev" I smiled.
"Hey guys. Does Logan know your coming?" He asked
"Yeh he's babysitting the twins" Grayson said.
"Nice" Evan laughed and ran to the sofa

I turned the corner and saw my mom and Lydia.
"LYDIA" I yelled.
They turned around and saw me and Gray.
"Hi sweetie" my mom said
I gave Lydia a hug and passed Bailey to her while Grayson was speaking with my mom and gave her Ariana.

"We need to go but we'll see you in like an hour!" I said
We said our goodbyes and walked out of the house. Because the place that we were viewing was only 2 doors down from Logan's, we walked there.

Next chapter will be the house!

I'm running out of ideas🙄 please comment if you have any I could use !

Reunited~ Grayson Dolan, Ethan Dolan, Team 10, Jake Paul💓Where stories live. Discover now