Chapter 1

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^^Their new house ⬆️^^

As we leave Los Angeles I take out my phone and listen to music. After a few minutes my head fell back onto the soft, plush black leather.

This is one way to make the trip go faster.


I wake up to shaking on my legs. Following the arm that rudely interrupted my beautiful dream of us still in Los Angeles, it was was my mom smiling widely at me.

"Wake up kiddo. After an hour we're here!" My lit up with an idea.

"Oh. So..." clearing my throat. "I could go visit my best friend if I wanted to since we aren't that far?" I said hoping to God she would say yes.

She looked towards my dad shrugged his shoulders while turning into an expensive looking neighborhood. "Um sure." I was about to do my happy dance until she stopped me. "But no matter, you ask us first. Got it?"

"Yes mom. That works for me."

We pull up into our new driveway. Our house is the modern style since my parents like that so much. The front is made up of different squares all fit together with windows.

I jump out of the car to run towards the door in a rush to unlock it. When I opened it, I first took in the newly built smell. The whole house is a modern type of house with shiny marble counters, all things white, and lots of natural light.

I decide to check upstairs and see my room is already painted a subtle light grey different from the white walls everywhere else. My parents knew I wouldn't want my room white in the first place. Back to the point my room consists of a walk in closet, my own private bathroom, a desk, and a flat screen tv.

I decided to go back down to help my parents after I'm satisfied that I saw what I wanted. I see them going through the kitchen setting things up. My mom noticed me coming and flashed me a smile.

"He honey, you like the house I see." She said giggling.

"Oh yea, I love it. Also the bar I'm sitting at that can almost seat ten!"

"It's pretty cool. Since you've see your room I assume-" I nod in agreement. "You can start taking your stuff up to your room."

"Alright. See you in a couple hours." I sighed.

"Ok sweetie."

I took my stuff upstairs and finally situated my things in its place. It was 7 in the afternoon, so I waisted almost 5 hours fixing things. I decided to go downstairs to get a snack so I can get some energy back.

My dad cooked us dinner earlier, but made my mom wait for me to finish unpacking. Isn't that sweet? Yea he's a good dad, sometimes.

"Dad, I'm done also hungry as well." I walked over to where my parents were watching tv in the den. Turns out they were hungrier than me. The speed walked to the kitchen quickly grabbing the plates and the food.

"Oh my God Sophia. Sit down now." Both of them rolling their eyes. I just laughed and took my seat putting food in my plate.

After we finished dinner, we went back to the den to watch some tv. Since it's Sunday, tomorrow is Monday as everyone knows and that's a day school happens. As I glanced over to my parents they looked like they were in deep thought while looking at me too.

"So Sophia. Are you ready for your first day tomorrow?" My mom faced to see me.

This time I rolled my eyes. "Not. At. All." I said feeling slightly irritated.

"Well it almost 9:30 and it's a school night. You should get ready for bed." Meaning I should get my butt to sleep now.

I jumped up from our couch and gave them my best fake smile. "I will mom. Goodnight guys." I don't want to go to this school at all. It's all rich and preppy I'm pretty sure.

I stomp my way upstairs not loud enough for them to hear. I go to my room and brush my teeth. Then finally, I put on my night shorts and t-shirt sliding into bed.

It was 10:30 while I was still awake thinking about my miserable day that'll happen tomorrow. Ugh hopefully they won't make my life a living hell. After finally clearing my mind, I drift off to sleep hoping for the best.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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