19- The Rings

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~3rd Person's P.O.V~

"Hey, I think we should do some research about everything going on. Of what Zenny and Amy went through. I think their the same person, but something is weird." Yugyeom said.

"I agree." the rest agreed.

"But still, I find something really fishy about all this." Jackson said.

"I know right! Remember that time when Jina was complaining about how her twin sibling went to jail because of Zenny, the students gave her sympathy." BamBam pointed out.

"I think it's time to call someone." Jinyoung smiled.

He took out his phone and dialed a number. "Yeoboseyo, can you come in our dorm...We need to talk about something...now...okay...bye."

We all looked at him weirdly and then, we heard a knock on our door. I went to open it and welcomed the person in.

"Liza!!!" everyone exclaimed as Liza waved.

"So Jinyoung-ssi, what's up?" she sat down on the couch.

"You were the one who reported Zenny when she was pushed off the building by Hwa Wei, right?" Jinyoung asked.

"Ye- no. W-What are you talking about? Who's Hwa Wei?" she smiled nervously.

"Liza? Can you please tell us honestly?" BamBam said.

"I- fine. I saw Zenny getting pushed off and it was indeed I who reported that it happened."

"So Zenny existed then!!!" Youngjae squealed our of excitement.

"She did. The principal asked us to pretend that she didn't existed. I'm pretty sure that it was Amy that requested it. At night, when I was walking to the convenience store to buy some food for the rest of Blackpink, I saw Zenny and Amy walking together. I was about to greet them, but then, they got into a car accident. Again, I called the ambulance and hoped that they were okay. The doctor told me that they have Amnesia. I went to check on them since they were still asleep and something caught my attention."

"What?" Jackson said out of impatience.

"On their right 4th finger, there was a ring. I don't know if I was hallucinating, but I saw the word memories for a slight 2 seconds. There, I gave you guys all the information that you guys need. I'll be taking my leave now," She waved.

After Liza left, the boys looked at each other in surprise.

"I think we know what we should do, don't we?" they smiled. "I'll call the BTS members to inform them of what's happening," Jaebum said.


After transmitting all the information that Liza gave to Got7 to BTS, the boys remained in silence.

"We have to break their rings?" Taehyung asked.

"I think so." Mark calmly said.

"But what if that's not we're suppose to do? What if it seals their memories for good?" Youngjae panicked.

"I'm pretty sure that we should break it. The last time that Zenny took out her ring, she explained that it feels like something was missing," Namjoon said. "But just in case, we should try it on Amy since she almost recovered all of her memory," they nod as they understand what they should do.


~The Next Day~

Amy kept being bullied by Jina, but luckily, everytime she does takes something from her, she has a double. Jina never beat her because she knew that it wouldn't affect Amy since she's so strong.

As class finally finished, Amy told Zenny to go to her dorm first and headed towards the empty classroom that Jina told her to.

"What do you want this time?" Amy annoyingly hissed as she saw the most annoying girl.

"Give me your ring." she ordered.

"What?! Of course n-"

"I said give me your ring."

Amy didn't had a double for that. She searched in every jewelry store for the same exact ring but never found it.

She handed it to Jina as her hands were trembling. The evil girl saw that and smirked.

"It looks like this is so important to you." she smirked and immediately dropped the ring to squash it.the crystal shards spreaded everywhere as Amy's eyes widened.

Amy then felt some banged her head like if it was hit by a hammer. She closed her eyes for a few seconds and the moment she opened it back, a wide smirk was seen across her lips. Everything became crystal clear.

"Why are you smirking like that?! DO you-" Jina screamed but was stopped as Amy was choking her.

"Look what you have done to me. Look what you have done to everybody behind my back. You do understand what you should deserve right?" She said as Jina coughed.

"Y-you know that Z-Zenny will get h-hurt right?" She continued coughing like a maniac.

"Oh peu-lease. I can protect her whenever I want. You do know I'm a lot stronger than you or your stupid bodyguards. The moment I see you hurting Zenny or the boys or anyone in school, remember what happen here." Amy warned as she dropped Jina.

Jina was gasping for air as Amy left the room with a smile on her face but was erased as she bumped on someone.

"Sorry!" she said as she looked up.

"Why so happy?" In front of her was the boys.

"I remember everything!" She smiled.

The boys looked at her fingers but couldn't find the ring.

"Did you perhaps broke it?" They all said.

"No, I didn't, but Jina did." her face grew annoyed just by remembering her name.

"Great! All we have to do is to break Zenny's ring!" Hoseok exclaimed.

"Why?" the confused girl asked. The boys explained to her. "Okay, I'm going to break hers." Amy gave them a thumbs up. "Oh and by the way, I made sure that Jina won't be bullying us." she winked.

The headed towards their dorms as Yoongi and Amy made eye contact. Without thinking, she immediately hugged him, but when she realized, she was going to leave his embrace but was shocked when he hugged her back. "I'm glad that you regained your memory." He showed her his gummy smile.


Amy was cooking as the rest did their homework. Luckily, she didn't had any, but on the contrary, Zenny has a lot. "Serves me right to be less smarter than my younger sister." she thought.

Zenny was already finished. She was the smartest girl in school. Surprisingly, she has the same IQ as Namjoon, 148.

She was helping the others for their homework until they heard Amy screamed that it's time to eat.


Zenny and Amy head back to their dorm and Zenny went to take a shower.

Amy secretly took her ring off and while her sister was taking her shower, she squashed it with her foot, just like Jina did to hers.

She waited a few seconds until she saw Zenny rushing out of the bathroom, soaking wet, and without a towel.

"I remember everything!" She squealed.

"Okay girl! Just because I'm your sister, doesn't mean you can be nude in front of me. Go back to your shower.


Well guys, seems like my plan to publish everyday has been canceled. I have study camp...BUT, I'll still try my best to publish.

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