Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning with an intense throbbing pain in my head. Unaware of where I was, I slowly sat up and took in my surroundings. The dull grey walls were mounted with shelves full of various trophies and awards. I glanced at the wooden floors, which were cluttered with clothes that had been strewn across the room. As I was bringing myself to stand, the door to the room opened. Where the hell was I?

"Morning," greeted a familiar voice.

I breathed a mental sigh of relief as Colin entered the room.

"Colin, hey," I greeted, wincing in pain.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.

"Like I was hit by a bus," I remarked. My head was throbbing, and my entire body felt numb. How much did I drink last night?

As I recalled the events of last night, I remembered what happened with Adrian. I shivered at the thought as I plopped back onto the bed. My mind was racing as I gradually regained control of myself. I stood up slowly, attempting to recognize the command I had over my body. Visions of last night flashed through my mind. The party, the alcohol, dancing with Colin, Reid. I shook myself off, I noticed that Colin had been speaking to me.

"Are you okay Vic?" Colin asked. "You seem distant."

"What happened to Reid?" I asked, frantically. "Where is he?"

"I don't know. He bolted when Kian called the police."

"I have to go," I replied, quickly gathering my belongings and running out of the house.


Before I knew where I was going, I found myself on Reid's doorstep. I knocked wildly on the wooden door, praying that Reid would appear behind it. When there was no answer, I frantically rang the doorbell. A few minutes later, the door slowly swung open- revealing Reid. He was wearing only a pair of black boxer briefs. His hair was jutting out all over his head as he rubbed his eyes gently, releasing a slight yawn.

"What the hell are you doing here Miller? It's-"

Reid's words were stopped short when I placed my lips on top of his. The kiss was gentle, our lips moving in sync. As I pulled away, Reid opened his mouth to speak.

"What was that for?"

"Thank you," I said, allowing a slight smile to tug at the corners of my mouth.

Reid glanced at the ground as I thanked him. I saw a faint sign of hurt flash through his eyes as the memory resurfaced. Reid rubbed the nape of his neck as I began to speak.

"For what you did for me. I can't imagine what would have happened if you weren't there."

"It was nothing," Reid stated calmly. "You don't need to thank me."

"I do," I responded. "How can I ever express my gratitude?" I said with a smirk.

Reid crashed his lips onto mine abruptly, answering my question. He stepped onto the porch, pulling the door shut behind him as he gently pressed my back against one of the the red brick walls that encompassed his porch. Closing the gap between us, Reid lifted my body off of the ground to deepen the kiss. I wrapped my legs around his waist as I entangled my fingers in his curly hair. I parted my lips slightly, allowing Reid's tongue to slip into my mouth. I let out a soft moan as Reid trailed kisses down my neck and to my breasts. Bringing his lips back up to mine, Reid bit my bottom lip before slipping his tongue back into my mouth and allowing his lips to move in sync with mine. The kiss was gentle at first, gradually becoming more rough and gritty. Reid dug his fingers into my back before carrying me inside to his bedroom.

I peeled Reid's shirt off of his body as he gently laid me on top of his bed. His sheets smelled of fresh linens and the faint, lingering smell of cigarettes. My breathing grew heavy as Reid lifted my shirt from my body and removed my Victoria's Secret bra. My eyes rolled back in ecstasy as Reid slowly removed my black lace panties and slipped his tongue into my entrance. I clutched the pale blue sheets while Reid's tongue flicked around. I arched my back as a single bead of sweat dripped down my face. Every inch of my body craved the feeling of Reid inside of me. I could feel myself nearing my climax when his tongue roamed my area. My body entered a state of euphoria, and my toes clenched as a loud moan escaped from my lips.

Reid's tongue left my entrance, and he began tracing my body. Trailing every inch with his tongue and leaving kisses all over. Once again meeting my lips, I rolled Reid over and began to remove his pants.

"Victoria," he said hesitantly. His breathing grew heavy as I pulled away slightly.

"What is it," I replied, briefly halting my actions.

"We can't do this."

I paused. In my naked and vulnerable state, I felt embarrassed. But above all, I felt angry.

"Why not?"

"Victoria, I-"

Reid sat up, gently knocking my body onto the other side of the bed. My cheeks flushed from embarrassment as I searched for a blanket to cover my exposed body. I glanced at Reid, whose lips were swollen from kissing me. He walked over to his dresser and threw on a plain black t-shirt, covering his chiseled torso.

"Miller, I just- I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"For letting it go that far," he replied, glancing towards the ground as he spoke.

"You don't need to apologize," I said gently, trying to hide my disappointment as I got dressed. "People do these things all the time. I don't think it makes whatever this is real, if that's what you're referring to."

"I just don't want you to get the wrong idea," He replied smugly.

"You don't have to worry about that. I won't let it happen again," I stated, storming out of the house as tears began streaming down my face.

Why am I crying? Whatever I felt for him was not real... what did I feel? People like me don't belong with people like Reid. Despite my thoughts, his words rang in my head. They hurt me for some reason... not because of my feelings for him, but because of the way he so coldly rejected me. In the back of my mind I was forced to push down the thoughts of how badly I wanted it to happen again. I told myself it was because he saved me. That's all. In no way did that mean I had feelings for him... right?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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