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Nico POV (picture above)

I wake up to pots banging and clattering. Groaning, I check the time. 8:30 a.m. Groaning again, I burry my face under my pillow.

Hearing the pitter-patter of feet, I smiled to myself, knowing what was about to happen.

My door creaked open and and tiny feet made their way to my bed. Acting as if I was still asleep, I removed my head from under my pillow.

About 6 seconds later, a tiny warm finger pokes my nose, causing me to wrinkle it. I open one eye to see a young girl of 6 years old gazing back at me.

She poked my nose again and giggled. I smiled slightly and lifted up a side of my blanket so she could crawl in next to me.  The young girl climbed in and curled up against my chest.

"Morning Gracie." I said.

"Good morning Nico." She replied, her voice muffled. I smiled, wrapping my arms around her.

We talked back and forth until I heard soft snores. I laughed softly, carefully removing her from my arms and I got up, letting her sleep. I walked to my bathroom and started getting ready.

The orphanage wasn't broken down or abusive or had 10 kids sharing a room; it was nice. Everyone got their own room and no, they weren't huge but they had enough room for a small desk, a full sized bed, a dresser and some extra space. As an older kid, I got my own bathroom. If you were younger, you had a Jack and Jill bathroom that you shared with 3 other people. It wasn't bad.

Anyway, I coiffed my hair with gel and put on my glasses. I pulled on a black t-shirt and some black skinny jeans and a zip up red hoodie that complimented my hair. I put on a black bandanna (look up Connor Franta bandanna and that's what he looks like) 

I finished putting on my shoes, and as if on cue, Gracie walked in. "Can you help me get dressed?" She asked. I nodded. She meant pick out her clothes, not help her put them on.

She took my hand and 'dragged' me to her room. She sat on her bed watching me. I opened her closet door and thought for a second. Today was Saturday and it was an it was warm out, but not hot. It was a bit cold.

A second later, I handed Gracie black leggings, an 'Internet Kid' t-shirt, and a denim jacket. She shoved me to the corner of the room. "Don't look." She instructed.

I stuck my face into the corner chuckling. That's Gracie for ya. She's quite cute yet very demanding. After about a minute, she told I could look.

I turned around and picked her up, pitting her on my hip. I went to my room and grabbed my phone. I carried her downstairs and we ate breakfast. Breakfast was available from 6:30 a.m to 10:30 a.' and it was 9:16 a.m.

-time skip to 3 o'clock-

I was watching YouTube videos as usual in my room and Gracie was sitting on my lap watching with me. We were watching a KnJ video.

"What's up guys! Its Kian and Jc! And today-"  then Michelle (the owner) walked in.

"Hey guys, we have a couple here right now looking for a younger kidso I need Gracie to go downstairs and meet them." She said.

I shut my laptop and Michelle went to the room next to mine and talked to the other kids. I stood up and Gracie got on my back. I went down the stairs two at a time which is probably not the smartest but whatever. Gracie was giggling like a crazy person.

I jogged to the main room, jostling the child on my back. I didn't see the couple as I set Gracie down on a couch and I crouched down in front of her, my back facing the couple. I looked Gracie in the eye.

"Hey, I need you to do something for me ok?" I said, quietly, my voice deepening a little bit.

She nodded.

"If you get adopted and I don't, I need you to not worry about me and to live life to the fullest, ok? I can take care of myself, it's my job to worry about you."

She nodded again and was looking over my shoulder. Still looking over there she whispered, "Nico, why is Sam and Rosa behind you?" (She's 6, she doesn't grammar yet)

I raised an eyebrow. "What?" I asked

"Sam and Rosa, from the YouTube videos?" She asked more than said.

I looked over my shoulder. "Holy mother fu-" Gracie covered my mouth.

"Nico!! No bad words!!" She scolded, quite loudly I may add. I saw Sam and Rosa stifle laughs. I burst into a fit of giggles. "Ok, I'm sorry." I said, still giggling.

Then Michelle walked in. "Alright, Sam and Rosa are going to talk to each of you so just talk amongst yourselves, and after they've talked to you go to your rooms."

I took a deep breath and left the room, waving to Gracie.

-30 minutes later-

Gracie came running into my room. "Niconiconiconiconico!!! Guess what! Guess what!" She shouted. I looked up.


"Sam and Rosa are adopting meeeee!" She squealed.

I felt the tears coming but I smiled. "That's great!" I hugged her. "How about you go to your room and start packing ok? I'll be there in a few minutes." I told her. She nodded and left the room. I closed my door and then the tears started.

"Shit." I whispered. My sister is leaving. I walked to my bathroom and leaned against the counter. I cried for a few minutes before I had to go help Gracie. I splashed my face in cold water and left my room.


Rosa helped Gracie get in the car and Sam walked over to me. He gave me a hug and let me cry into his shoulder. "It's ok, we're going to treat her well. And we'll have you come and visit." He said. I nodded pulling away. "Sorry." I said.

Sam shrugged. "It's ok." Rosa walked over too and hugged me. She smelled of perfume and had that motherly aura. She'll be a great mom for Gracie, Sam a good dad. I smiled, knowing my sister was in good hands. I have Gracie a hug and a kiss and watched them drive away.

A New Beginning BxB (Trevor Moran)Where stories live. Discover now