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Nico POV


How much for that body of yours? His hands left bruises. An opportunity. He left marks on my skin. Sweet stuff. He moaned. His hands traveling too far. I cried. Slap. I saw dots. I waited for Trevor to help. He didn't come. No ones gonna save you. You're worthless. He pulled my pants all the way down. You're ugly. And disgusting. No one loves you. I sobbed. No. It's not true. He shoved me roughly into a wall. He slapped me again and I almost passed out. I was in so much pain. He was moaning.

I shot up screaming. My chest was rising fast. Connor and Trevor came in and sat on either side of me. I whimpered. "Nightmare." I confirmed. They wrapped me in a hug and Connor said, "Here, I'll get you a water bottle." Then he left going downstairs.

I laid down on my back again, shaking. Trevor laid down too facing me and put his hand over my waist, careful to not put too much pressure on my bruises. His breath was warm in the crook of my neck. I stayed on my back.

Trevor's breath got steady and he quickly fell asleep. I felt my eyes flutter close and fell asleep as well; listening to his breathing.

Third person POV~ Connor

Connor made his way up the stairs and walked into his sons room. His son. It felt... nice. "Sorry, the waters were in the garage not the fri-" he stopped looking at the two teenage boys passed out. They were cute together, looking peaceful. Connor set the water down on Nico's bedside table and took a picture. They are so cute. He gave them on last look before softly shutting the door.

•••••••••NICO POV

I woke up and realized that I was on someone's arms. Our legs were tangled and their warm breath was on my neck. Then I realized it was Trevor.

I relaxed before realizing- Trevor. I AM SLEEPING IN THE SAME BED WITH          T R E V O R.

He groaned before pulling my tightly to his chest. "Morning.." he mumbled. I laughed lightly, "Child. It's 1 in the afternoon." I said. "Oh." Trevor groaned again.

"I have to showerrr." I complained, trying to get out of his grip.

"Noooooo.... don't leave meee."

"But I have to peeeeee." A lie, but I had to shower, Connor and I are going to an event tonight.

"Ugh." He let me go and I put on my glasses. I went to my closet and grabbed some clothes. Just some comfy ones so I don't mess up the nice ones I'm going to wear later. I pulled off my shirt after closing the door. I started the water and let the bathroom steam up. I stared at myself in the long vertical mirror.

Finger shaped bruises on my hip bones, shoulders, and biceps. Other 'bruises' on my neck and around my collarbone. I looked at my face; dark circles, high cheekbones, tan skin. My eyes looked broken. I was staring for so long and I was so transfixed, I didn't notice Trevor walk up behind me.

He put his arms around my waist and his chin on my shoulder. "It's ok. Everything is going to be fine." He muttered into my ear. I nodded but still stared. I felt like crying again. "How am I going to... cover these up? I have an event tonight." I asked. Trevor furrowed his brow. "I have some concealer you could use." He offered. I nodded. "Ok. I'll use it. Thanks." I turned around in his arms and smiled.

Trevor was leaning in...

And his just put his face in my neck. I mentally kicked myself for being so stupid. I hugged him and pushed him out of the bathroom. I leaned against the door.

A New Beginning BxB (Trevor Moran)Where stories live. Discover now