Rungs Pov
'Where is it...?' I thought in my head. 'Who is she and why did they use that on her?'
Before I could search anything else I heard a knock on my door.
"Rung! I got some news!" I heard
It was Ratchet, finally some news!
I quickly speed over to my door and tapped the button.
I opened the door to see a usual frowning ratchet, but this time, it seemed to be...a little more...down.
"What is it?" I held back the urge to say doc. 😝
"Well I'm afraid she's-"
"What! She's what!?!" I interrupted uncontrollably.
Ratchet stared at me in disbelief. I've never really bursts like that, but I guess he understood why I was so concerned, she is my patient.
His expression was changed to shock "Well, she suffered a minor injury to the head. She'll be in a coma for awhile."
My heart dropped.
"But, there is some good news, I managed to get a sample of her energon. I now know exactly who she is and what she did....Timeskip
Skids POV
"Oi, Ratchet! How's the-oh. You ain't here are ya."
I had come to visit Ratchet to see if he needed any help. When I knocked he didn't answer, the door was unlocked so I let myself in.
I didn't see him anywhere and the lights were off.
I looked around for a light, I bumped into a couple things hoping that it wasn't important. Once I finally found the switch I looked for what I bumped. Just some tools.
I looked around some more. I might as well check on...on......what's her name again?
Well, she's right there, no worries on remembering her name. She looked different though, she wasn't in her alt form.
To see her in her other form was...pretty great. The collar was off and she was almost unrecognizable.
She had a (f/c) frame, (s/f/c) face and helm. In other words, Rung is lucky to have her as a patient.
She seemed to be sleeping, probably in a coma. Better not disturb her.
I jumped at the shout behind me.
"Good greef, ya don't hav to do that ya know!" I shouted. I looked behind me to see an angry Ratchet and a worried Rung.
I cooled down once I saw them.
"Sorry I was just checking out the room, ya weren't in so I checked maself".
"I see that." He said walking in. Rung straight behind him.
They walked right next to her.
"First coma patient on this ship so far. Least when she shifted, she broke the collar off."
Rung still looked disturbed.
"Oi bud, what's wrong?" I asked nudging him.
He looked at me worried.
"Well, Ratchet was able to find out her past, but in reality, she's never been documented to have one...." He finished fixing his glasses.
I was shocked!
"Wait what!?, can you believe what he's sayin'? I gestured to Ratchet.
"Yes, I took the tests..." He said looking her over.
I scoffed, classic Ratchet.
I looked back at Rung, "So, why do you think they used that collar?" I asked.
"Well, I contacted the captan of the force group, and he didn't even know that she was being shipped! No one was supposed to be my new patient! Someone set an almost non-existent bot to us using an illegal collar to ME!" He shouted.
I thought this new piece of evidence over and over again. How?!?
"What the hell! Was it the decepticons? They trying to unload unwanted parts or something?!?" I said looking back at Ratchet.
"I don't know...all I know for sure, is that we better get Rodimus and tell him about our little situation here." He said standing over her.
I looked at him before turning to Rung, "Ya comin bud?" I asked him
He seemed to be taken out of thought, "uhh-yeah! I'll be right there, just wait a second..."
He walked up to Ratchet as I walked out the door. I'll wait for him out here.Rungs pov
I walked over to Ratchet.
"Did you see anything suspicious about the bots unloading her?" He asked me.
I thought for a moment.
"The, red bot who seemed to be in charge! He didn't tell me anything about her other than she was 'dangerous ' and he never let me see her files." I said.
"No signs on the box, or bots?"
"Well then, I'm going to need you to give me a detailed description then."Timeskip
Rungs pov
It didn't last very long before we found out who that bot was. All I had to do was report the situation to Rodimus and get things sorted out with the federal court.
But from the amount of confusion in the air, I could tell that this was going to be a very long trip.
But one thing is for sure....
When I saw her in her other form, I almost about stopped on m tracks.
She was gorgeous!
Beautiful colors were around her face and frame! I just wish she were awake so I could hear her voice and see her eyes!
I met up with Skids outside the door, when we were walking down the hallways, I couldn't help but smile at the very thought of helping her with her problems and getting to know her.
Just a couple of days sounded like an eternity.
Wait until she wakes up...End of part three.
Hey guys! Again sorry about lay week, I just was heart broken and not thinking straight.
But on Wednesday, my female cat gave birth to 4 kitties that are just adorable and I'm focusing on raising his next generation rather then sticking to the past and not being there for them.
So enjoy!!!