How you meet

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EDIT: changed Daichi's part to track instead of basketball (8-13-17)

A/n WOW! Nice to see you here. If you haven't read my other book and don't know how this works, here's an explanation:

I will provide a scenario such as "how you meet" and then I will follow the prompt for each respective character. For example, in "how you meet" I would start with one character,describing to you how you two would meet. I cut it off there and repeat in the same chapter for the next character. Get it? Okay, cool. I'm going to be doing the following characters:


These are the characters I'm starting with. Go ahead and suggest more if you'd like. Let's get into the chapter now.

Hinata Shouyou

     You take a deep breath as you glance around the halls of your new school, Karasuno. You just transferred from Nekoma because of moving.

     Looking down at the map you were provided with, you couldn't even find where you were on the map. You sighed in defeat looking around you for any sign of a recognizable landmark.

     "Ehhhh. I dont like it here... I miss Nekoma... I miss Kenma and Tetsurou... Why did I have to move?" You groaned as you trudged down the hall hoping you can find your classroom. Of course, you could ask one one of the other students, but you really can't deal with social interaction right now... Or ever. And suddenly you're on the floor.

     You looked up to see a fairly short boy with brightly colored ginger hair sit up from the floor and look your way. He scrambled up from his spot on the ground and stood over you. He stuck his hand out to you offering to help you up.

     "S-sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going! My name is Hinata Shouyou. Nice to meet you!" You grabbed his hand and pulled yourself up with his help.

     "It's, uh... Its okay. My name is, err, y/n l/n. Nice to meet you too, I guess." You fumbled with your words. Anyone could see how bad at socialization you are.

     "I've gotta go! See you soon!" He shouted, running off. You glanced at the floor noticing he dropped his notebook. You picked it up and looked down the hall to see his hair poking up from the crowd. You shrugged, seeing as you have no clue where else to go, and followed him down the hall to return his notebook.

Kageyama Tobio (sorry its kinda shitty because I couldn't figure out his reactions and shit.)

     "Ehh. Why do I have to come to one of your games? I have things to do, you know!" You complained as you walked alongside your older brother, Oikawa.

     "Aww. Does (Nickname)-chan not want to watch her big brother play against Karasuno?" He whined back at you. You shook your head at him boredly.

     "But if course I have to. So instead I'm going to pretend to watch you while really watching anime on my phone." He pouted more before being called over to his team. You sighed and wandered off to find some source of a drink.

     Out of the corner of your eye, you could see a vending machine. You casually walked over to it, checking your watch to make sure the game hasn't started yet. Contrary to popular belief, you don't actually hate your brother. He can just be... Insufferable sometimes. You put the proper amount of money in the slot and pushed the combination for milk. The final (box? Miniature carton? Idk what the storage unit is called) of milk. You retrieved it as it dropped just in time to hear a voice behind you.

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