What they think of you

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A/n if you read my other book, you know that this was one of my shittiest chapters. I don't like how it turned out and the biggest reason why is the point of view, kinda. I wrote it like someone that we couldn't hear was talking to them and asking questions and it was a dumb idea. I'm doing this one differently and hopefully better. So let's goooooo!!

O/s - other sport

Hinata Shōyō

"Hinata! Watch out!" Someone yelled out to the ginger from across the gym. A ball was flying through the air towards his head. Ah, how unfortunate it is that he was too distracted to notice the shout of his teammate or the ball itself. Thus, the inevitable happened and Hinata had retreated into a ball, holding his nose. The sudden strike to the face startled you, who was watching from the benches. You quickly stood from your place and rushed--along with the other members of the volleyball club-- to the energetic boy's side.

"Shōyō! Are you okay?" You said, more like shouted, at him with a concerned tone. He quickly stood up and released his nose from his hand to give you a thumbs up.

"You're nose is bleeding!" Sugawara said with panic in his voice. What he said was true. Hinata had blood streaming out of his nose, covering his mouth and dripping off his chin.

"Pinch your nose and tilt your head to one side." You said carefully instructing the injured boy. (Calm yourself about the bloody nose instructions. I'll explain in a moment, and I don't want to hear one damn comment about what you're actually supposed to do.)

"Why to one side?" Sugawara questioned.

"Well if you tilt your head back, you could choke on the blood. But you shouldn't tilt it forward because that's just draining the blood from your head, which is obviously not good. So you want to tilt your head to the side so that neither happens and so it slows down the blood loss." (This is what I've heard, it's what works for my family. Now STFU about it) Sugawara nodded in understanding before helping Hinata, who was following your instructions, stand up.

"I'm going to take him to the nurse. Can you clean up the blood while we're gone?" You nodded at him as he lead Hinata away and out of the gym while you got the needed materials for cleaning his nose-blood.

-Shifting perspective-

Once the doors of the gym had closed behind Suga and Hinata, Suga immediately took action.

"Hinata, you've been really distracted during practice lately." He said simply.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, since y/n started watching practice, you don't seem to be as focused. Is there something going on between you two?" Hinata's face lit up at the question, as if a wild fire had spread across his bloody face.

"N-no! She's just a... Friend. I think? I... Don't really know. I'm just a friend to her, at least" He seemed to be saddened by his own words.

"Well how does she make you feel?" Ah, sugamama the love expert has come to the aid of his next patient.

"She makes me feel... Warm. I like being around her a lot. She makes me happy and I like making her happy. Being around her makes my stomach feel weird, but I kinda like it. My heart starts beating really fast, too." (This made me think of 🎶Back to play rehearsal. My brain is like, bzzz, my heart is like,wow!🎶 If you get this, hi. You're my new friend now.) Hinata muttered quietly, hoping to avoid any passing students overhearing him.

"Sounds like you like her. Is she why you've been distracted?" Suga said as they arrived at the empty nurse's office, leaving Suga to help Hinata by himself.

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