You meet again

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Hey, hey, hey! It's me again! Im bored, so I'm doing this biznitch up! I'm tired and stupid, so I'm sorry in advance for any shitty humor...

Hinata Shouyou/Shōyō

You smiled and giggled with happiness as you got off the phone with none other than your friends from Nekoma, Kenma and Kuroo. They said they're on their way to Karasuno to take part in a practice match with the Karasuno volleyball team. They also said you can watch. You raced over to the buses so that you can meet them when they arrive.

As soon as you saw the pudding head with one hand in his pocket, the other occupying his phone, come off the bus, your went into a full speed sprint at him, ready to tackle him into a hug.

"Keeeeeeenmaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!" You shouted as you ran with your arms wide open. It's strange, because it almost sounded like there was another voice too... As you kept running towards Kenma, whose head had snapped up and was now bracing himself for your hug, Kuroo intervened, stepping between you two and stealing your hug. Your eyes lit up at his face more than they already had.

"Kuroo!!!! It's so great to see you guys again! I missed you a lot, you know!" Kuroo placed you back on the ground.

"Y/n-chan? You know these two?" You turned around to see the short kid who you ran into on your first day, who had just released Kenma from a hug. He must have been the other voice.

"Oh hey! You're the kid I ran into the other day! Hinata, right?" He nodded with a smile in his face and a noise of approval. "I do know these two. I transferred here to Karasuno from Nekoma. They were my friends." You smiled at him as you climbed onto Kuroo's back.

"Oh, y/n. You know shrimp-chan?" You snorted at the nickname.

"Uh. Yeah, kinda... Not that much. We ran into each other in the halls on my first day here while I was complaining to myself about missing Nekoma." You shrugged. "I'm glad I get to watch you guys play, though. Maybe I'll get to know shrimp-chan a little better. Oh... But which team should I root for?"

Kageyama Tobio

The match had ended not too long ago. Things were cleaned up and you were walking alongside your unbearable brother, about to leave the school and head home. You were listening to him ramble on about whatever when he suddenly stopped.

"Ah, Tobio-chan!" You brother said it in that fake sounding cheerful voice that he uses when he teases people. A vaguely familiar figure turns around with a displeased expression. The dots connect in your head and you remember his face.

"Ah! Milk-kun! It's you! Funny running into you again. You're going to have to excuse my brother. He's the worst kind of person, although I guess you would already know that, huh. It seems like he knows you already, and anyone who knows him knows that he's basically just a human dumpster. Allow me to formally introduce myself. I'm y/n Oikawa. (Since you're his sister, you have the same last name.) Second year at Aobajōsai. So, what's your name? Unless you want me to just keep calling you milk-kun." You offered a kind smile, similar to he one your brother has, but it's a genuine smile rather than a forced mocking smile.

"Er... Kageyama Tobio. I'm a first year at Karasuno. Nice to meet you, Oikawa-senpai." You waved a hand at him.

"H-hey, you don't need to call me senpai. Just y/n is fine." You scratched the back of your head awkwardly. You don't like people calling you by your last name considering all the trashy nicknames your brother has, Trashykawa, Shittykawa, Crappykawa, Assikawa.

"Okay, y/n. It's nice meeting you properly." He smiled a little at you, receiving a smile in return. You pulled your brother away and started on your way home before Tooru could say anything to bother Kageyama.

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