Chapter Twelve ✓

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                  It's dark. Moisture clings to my skin. Crowds cheer outside, a scoreboard buzzes. The echoes of hundreds reverberate around the locker room, but that's not what I'm paying attention to. Hot breath, chests heaving, drinking him in- that's what's on my mind. My hands move delicately from his shoulders and down further, trailing the line of his spine with my fingertips until I meet the top of his jeans. 

I'm high on his mint breath and cherry Chapstick. 

Quinn grabs my wrist before I can advance and pulls away, leaving me baron of his touch. His gentle eyes look up with sympathy when he notices the look on my face. He smiles a bit and wipes away saliva from his bottom lip.

"Not here." He tells me quietly.

"Why not?"

I reach for him again, but he takes a step back so that he's just out of reach.

"I'm not about to get fucked in a dirty retired locker room."

I laugh softly, resting my left hand on the nape of my neck. This place is barely cracked open two, maybe three times a year- it's nothing but a nest for animals, rust, and- now- for us. I hear the crowd roar outside once again. 

My ankle is completely shot after being trampled last week, so I've been forced to sit out this game. Of course, boredom has gotten the best of me, hence why I hiked up here from the field. Better to indulge in guilty pleasures than to sit like a wounded soldier.

"Right." I say. "Sorry. You're right."

Quinn smooths down the front of his crinkled blue button-up, light brown hair sweeping the top of his full brows. Light shines just barely through small cracks in the walls, stripping him like a tiger with the rays of golden streetlamps.

"The game's almost over." Quinn says. "I should go and so should you. They're probably wondering where you went."

"Hey- no, stay." I tell him, brushing under his chin with my knuckle. "I don't want you to go yet. I don't give a fuck about them, anyway."

Quinn is quieter than usual tonight. He stares blankly like he knows something that I don't. I look behind and around us to see if it was something else he was staring at, but I come to find that it's only me.

"What?" I ask cautiously.

"Don't lie to me." He tells me quietly. "Don't ever lie to me like that."

"Lie?" I scoff. "When did I lie?"

He shakes his head and turns away. I reach out to stop him from walking towards the door, but my fingers can only graze the top of his shoulder before they fall through him like a mist. I jerk my hand back, chest tightening, suddenly glued in place.

"What's happening?" I say, attempting and failing to move. "Quinn!" I say, succumbing to a panic. "Come back! I'm not done talking to you- hey!"

He pauses in the doorway, leering over his shoulder with a dead eyed stare. An overwhelming feeling of dread replaces everything else. I recognize this look, but not on him. This look of malice and disgust is not his. He would never look at me like that, would he?

Well, shouldn't he?

"Who is Quinn?" Quinn says as light begins to poke through his now transparent body. "Wake up."

Light invades my vision from every direction. I feel my heart stutter, the feeling of falling brings me back with a shock. I feel myself reemerging-

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