Chapter 1

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(AN so this is my first ever fanfic so I'm sorry if it's not really good...i have another story on here that i completely forgot about so i might be working on that one as well as this one...also the picture on the side is the mirror.....just so yall case you can't see it...)

*No P.O.V.*

“Oh my god Jaclyn! I can't believe we are actually going to get to meet One Direction!” Sarah exclaimed as they made their way to History class.

“I know! I finally get to see Harry freaking Styles in person! And Zayn is going to fall in love with you! I just know it.” Jaclyn excitedly jumped, fangirling as the warning bell rang through the halls.

“Stop lying! Zayn wouldn't even give me the time of day. There is going to be girls WAY prettier than me so why do you think Zayn would even acknowledge my existence and fall in love with me?”

“Sarah! You're gorgeous and once he sees you, he's not going to look at anyone BUT you! Now let's hurry before Mrs. H counts us late!” The girls rushed into class right as the tardy bell rang and settled into their desks as their teacher started handing out the quiz the girls failed to study for.

*Sarah's P.O.V.*

I looked over at Jaclyn's paper only to see here doodling all over her quiz after choosing random answers like she normally does. All night last night we were on Skype with each other fangirling about getting to see One Direction this weekend that we completely forgot to study our notes or even take out our homework. We were some of the biggest Directioners and it was really starting to affect our school work. Normally I was the straight A student trying to help Jaclyn pass but lately I've been failing tests and forgetting my homework. I was still passing my classes with A's and B's but my parents were really nagging me about it.

I took another look at Jaclyn's paper to see she drew Harry singing his solo in What Makes You Beautiful to her on stage. Man was she obessesed with him. I won't be surprised if she just completely jumped Harry when she sees him. Mrs. Herrera took up our quizzes and started laughing at Jaclyn's picture. She also liked One Direction but only knows What Makes You Beautiful and doesn't even know all their names. But it's still cool to have a teacher who likes the same band as you.

The rest of my classes went by quickly seeing how I spent the last four classes daydreaming about Zayn falling in love with me. I know that will never happen because I'm not pretty enough. I'm too skinny, my hair is thick and boring so I always wear it up in a ponytail. My eyes are the most boring brown...and the only thing I really like about myself is my straight white teeth. There's just no way Zayn would ever like me.

When I got home, I immediately got on twitter and tumblr retweeting and reblogging everything about One Direction. As soon as Jaclyn got out of softball practice, we were on Skype fangirling still from earlier that day. We talked about what we were going to wear and laughing as we showed each other what we had gotten them. I got Zayn a purple mirror with both mine and Jaclyn's twitter names written on it in permanent marker seeing how he loves to look at his reflection. Jaclyn had gotten two bright orange bow ties so her and Harry could be matching. I couldn't wait for this weekend. I was going over to Jaclyn's house Friday after school so I could get ready over there. Only two more days left of school this week...I just hope I can pay attention in class.

The next two day flew by and there was only five minutes left in eighth period. I was happy to know Jaclyn didn't have practice today so we were leaving right after school. I just can't believe were were really going to meet One Direction tomorrow! I was suddenly brought out of my thoughts as the final bell rang signaling the end of school.

We spent Friday night just hanging out and listening to One Direction on replay. Jaclyn was singing along to One Thing while I was sketching Zayn in my notebook. That was all we were good at. Jaclyn was an amazayn singer and I was pretty good at art.

(the next day at the venue)

“OMG!!! I can see Harry's curls!! I just want to touch his hair,” Jaclyn screamed as we neared the boys with our CD's in hand ready to give them their gifts. Zayn looked absolutely flawless (as always) wearing one of his classing red varsity jackets with an “A” on the chest. I was just my luck that Jaclyn talked me into wearing my yellow varsity jacket which also had a “A” on it.

“Calm down Jaclyn! You're going to freak out Harry and he's never going to fall in love with you,” I jokingly threatened her. She instantly shut up but I could tell she wanted to scream at the top of her lungs.

*Zayn's P.O.V.*

I was getting so bored here. I just wanted this signing to be over with along with the concert. These girls were way too crazy I don't think I could handle any more of this. All the girls were wearing the most revealing shirts and loads of make-up it was just disgusting! We were almost over when I spotted a beautiful girl wearing a yellow varsity jacket that almost matched mine. I noticed her talking with this very excited girl who I thought Harry would really fancy. When this mysterious came up to the table, she gave me her CD and a purple mirror that had her and what I assumed was her friend's twitter names. I smiled largely and thanked her for the gift as she blushed (how did she know I needed a new mirror?) and reached across the table to give her a hug and quick kiss on the cheek. She quickly looked down to the table and I could see a smile light up her face (man did she have a beautiful smile) as she walked down the rest of the table saying hi to all the boys and I assume she was warning Harry about her friend who came up to the table right after her with a huge smile.

She handed me her CD and a sketch of me and told me mystery girl drew it but was too shy to give it to me. Wow! This looked amazing! Her friend started walking down the table when I grabbed her by the hand. “What's her name? This sketch is amazing!” I asked lamely. Her friend just smiled even wider, “her name is Sarah Varghese....she's completely in love with you.” She continued down the table only to smile really big when she got to Harry handing him what seemed to be a bright orange bow tie which she seemed to have been wearing the exact same one. Harry gave her a quick hug and slipped her his number while kissing her hand. She seemed absolutely elated as she ran off to Sarah squealing and jumping. Maybe this town wasn't too bad after all.

*Jaclyn's P.O.V.*

I could tell the instant Sarah handed Zayn the mirror, he liked her. Her never took his eyes off her and leaned over the table giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She instantly looked down at the table blushing like crazy with a huge smile on her face. Zayn just kept looking at her as she said “hi” to the rest of the boys.

I walked up to Zayn and gave him my CD and the drawing Sarah made of him. She didn't know I had it and would freak if she knew I just gave it to Zayn. I told him it was from her without saying her name because I assumed she told him. I was about to walk off when Zayn grabbed my hand pulling me back.

“What's her name? This sketch it amazing!” he asked. I just grinned, “her name is Sarah Varghese....she's completely in love with you.” I left down the rest of the table giving the boys all high-fives while saying “hi.” When I got to where Harry was, I grinned so big and handed him the orange bow tie that matched the one I was wearing. I was instantly pulled into a quick hug and when we pulled apart, he grabbed my hand slipping something in there while kissing my hand. I looked down at the paper only to see his phone number.

Harry Styles just gave me his number!

I rushed over to Sarah was waiting and I'm sure we looked like maniacs jumping and squealing. We were ushered out to where our seats were. We weren't in the best seats but we just got to meet One Direciton.

(*AN* i will try to post at least once a week but i have school for 5 more once summer starts there will probably be more frequent updates....)

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