Chapter 4

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(AN: Yeah, I know it's been FOREVER since I last updated but I have been so busy and I'm actually surprised I'm able to update this now. Anywho...this is more of a filler so yeah....hopefully I will get time to work on chapter 5 before school starts up again.:) so enjoy and comment what you think...I would love to get some feed back from yall.)


I can't believe we got to spend an entire day with One Direction. It's going to be sad to see them leave. They've pretty much become mine and Jaclyn's best friends. We knew it would come to this so we decided to take our time getting back to the bus. I was still holding Zayn's hand and I couldn't help but blush because I thought he would have pulled away after helping me up. I looked around us to see Jaclyn and Harry were also holding hands which made me smile because I could see they liked each other. But now I want to know what made them both realize it. 

All of a sudden 'Moves Like Jagger' started playing and we all looked around to see Liam pulling out his phone excusing himself to answer it. We all just decided to stay where we were and wait for Liam to get back so we dec ided to get to know each other a bit more. Louis asked us if we wanted to play Truth or Dare and we all agreed and sat down in the middle of the parking lot not caring if we looked stupid or weird. Louis decided to start and asked Harry "truth or dare?"

"Dare," Harry said with uncertainty like he knew it wouldn't end well.

"I dare you to give the person on your left an 'auntie kiss'."

"What's an auntie kiss?"

"You have to use lipstick or lipgloss and leave a lip print," Louis explained.

Harry looked to his left and there sat Jaclyn blushing and turning a deep shade of red. 

"Okay, but I need lip you have any Jaclyn?" Jaclyn nodded and dug into her Vera Bradley bad and pulled out a shimmery tube of lipgloss. Harry quickly put it on and gave Jaclyn a slobbery kiss on the cheek leaving a pink shimmery lip mark. Before Harry could wipe off the lipstick, I saw Louis take a picture of him with pink shinny lipgloss. Jaclyn was so red it looked like she painted her face red. Louis was next so Niall asked him.

"Dare," Louis said confidently.

"Hold your breath for 60 seconds," Niall said smilling and pulling out his phone. I looked over at Louis to see him looking a little unsure but he nodded his head. Niall started his timer and Louis took a deep breath in. Just about 20 seconds later Louis' face was starting to turn purple so we decided to let him stop before he passed out.

"You'd think I'd be able to hold it longer since I'm a singer," Louis said. "Okay...Jaclyn it's your turn."

"Truth or dare Jackie," Niall asked. 

"First off don't call me Jackie," Jaclyn said with a serious face I knew all too well. "And secondly...truth." 

"Sorry," Niall apologized. "Okay so tell us about your first kiss."

"I haven't had my first kiss yet," Jaclyn said with a look like she was going to cry. She hates when people ask her that because people have teased her about never having her first kiss. The looks on everyone's faces other than mine showed pure shock.

"Okay guys...," I said breaking the now awkward silence, "Niall, your next...truth or dare?"

"Dare...I think," Niall said waiting for his dare. Might I add I'm terrible at making up dares. 

"Tell the group your best joke."

Niall let out a breath of air as if he were holding it. "Well that's not so bad." He sat there just thinking for the longest time. I've never seen any one so focused on a thought; even Jaclyn with all of her blonde moments. Finally, Niall's face showed he had an idea. Almost like a little light bulb turned on over his head. "I've got the perfect one," he said with a smile on his face. "What do you call a man who doesn't ever fart in public? Huh, huh? A private tutor!"

He was rolling around in the parking lot laughing as though he was on laughing gas. I looked over at Jaclyn because she usually laughs at everything but she looked like she was deep in thought. "I don't get it." Oh no I understand...yet another blonde moment...Niall stopped laughing almost immediately and stared at Jaclyn like she was from another planet. 

"You know....toot is like fart," Niall explained, "he doesn't like to 'toot' in fron of anyone so he does it in private...therefore he is a private tutor..."

Suddenly, out of no where Jaclyn cracked up laughing. This made everyone else laugh with her because she had this dry laugh that's almost silent and she clapped making her look really special. Finally after what seemed like forever laughing in the middle of the zoo's parking lot, we all calmed down but Jaclyn still sat there giggling. We decided to move on so we could get to know each other better before we had to say good bye probably for forever. 

"Okay Zayn, you're turn. Truth or dare?" Harry asked.


"You have to punch the person on your left in the stomach," Jaclyn said still giggling.

"WHAT?! I can't hit a girl," Zayn said looking to his left to see me sitting there smiling.

"Oh come at me Zayn," I said laughing, "I can take a hit." 

"I'm not too sure about this but I guess I have too....I really hate dares." With that, Zayn hit me in the stomach and took his hand away holding it. "What the heck is up with your stomach!?! It's like rock solid!!" Louis took that as a chance to poke me in the stomach which also didn't end so well because he poked too hard and hurt himself just like Jaclyn did only a few days earlier. 

"I wear a brace," I explained trying not to laugh too hard.

Louis looked like he had some brilliant idea pop into his strange brain. "That means you have abs of  plastic!!" With that Jaclyn and I cracked up laughing.

"Louis, Louis, Louis. I already came up with that," Jaclyn said still laughing. The look on Louis' face was kind of saddening. He really thought he had come up with something that was completely original. "Anywho...Sarah. It's your turn." Jaclyn looked at me then told Zayn he could pick.


"Okay then...What's your weirdest talent?"

"I can move my veins around in my knuckle," I said while demonstrating.

"THAT LOOKS SO WEIRD!!!" Niall exclaimed and tried to do the same thing.

 With that, we saw Liam walk up with a smile on his face. 

"I've got great news wont believe what Simon just told me."


(AN: So again, this was just a filler chapter for them to get to know each other. Sorry for ending it there but I really need to focuse on getting ready for school. I have to read a book and study and August is only just beginning meaning I still have a month but it's going to take that long to read this book. Anywho.....Please comment what you think...I would really like to get some input on what yall think:). so please coment and vote I guess:) I will try my hardest to get chapter 5 up here...although it will be a while. 

Oh, and before I forget, I kind of want a new cover for this so if yall want to send me some....that would be awesome:)

Thank you so much for taking your time to read you guys:)

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