Chapter 12 - The council of the Elders

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      Kyo returned with a piece of neon blue chalk.

            “Stand still and remove all unwanted thoughts,” He commanded. The feeling of high power wrapped around me. I could not disobey what he stated. Kyo’s thoughts then reached my head and I felt that my mind wipe blank. His thoughts filled mine and strange words echoed in my head.

            Intus is orbis nos narro vobis dico

            Penetro huic dico vobis

            Kyo traced the chalk around me creating a huge circle. A magic circle. It seemed to glow as each of his strokes connected with each other. “Elders of the council we call unto you.”

            A moment of silence I felt three people enter the room. I couldn’t see who they were but I their presences seemed to radiate and stand out. Memories seemed to voluntarily shoot into my head without my consent. The time I was bitten, the time I met Clarriesse, the time I saw Keru clearly all flew in.  I shivered as the thoughts sent a ripple up my spine. I did not enjoy my thoughts being brought up. I knew the three presences could see what was going on and I didn’t like it one bit.

            Just then the thoughts disappeared like being sucked by a vacuum. My mind released itself as a huge booming voice echoed in the room.

            “We claim this worthy young one. A messenger will be sent there shortly to bring you to us. May your journey be safe.”

            Kyo set the chalk down and sighed as I stood up on my sore legs. I could tell from the way his body moved that he exhausted himself.

            “Kyo,” I whispered as I tried to find my voice. I was alarmed at what happened and it was as though my body was still trying to fight off the adrenaline rush.

            Kyo smiled. “Relax. I’ll be fine in a little bit.”

            I nodded as Kyo walked towards me. His arms wrapped around me like a bird would to keep and egg warm. I sighed with relief even though I didn’t know what the relief was for.

            “You’re stupid you know that right?” I muttered.

            Just then a quiet fluttering noise filled the room as a small white raven circled above us. Each time it circled around it would descend towards the ground. It seemed as though it was watching and observing before making a choice.  Finally it landed on the ground after a few times.

            “Sorry for the alarming appearance,” the bird said. “One moment please.”

            I jumped back at the voice. A bird wasn’t supposed to talk let alone land the way it did.

            Kyo called out towards the bird as if saying a code word. “Coruus.”

            A moment and a lot of smoke later, a young girl with long white-blonde and blue eyes appeared out of the smoke. She wore a blue cloak that wrapped around her and hid her other features.

            “Coruus is correct but in my human form I go by Luna,” She stated.

            “Luna,” I repeated as if trying to remember it. I have heard the name in books but an actual human named that. It’s crazy. Did an American have fun with that?

            “For your information,” she snapped. “I am half.”

            “Half what?” I asked puzzled, still unaware that she read my thoughts like an open book.

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