Chpater 20 - The Begining of the End

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Urad smirked “I knew you would say that.” He walked forward and placed a reassuring hand on Kyo’s left shoulder. “Take good care of her.”

He then walked up to me. “If-” His soft lips met mine before I could say anything. “You ever want to leave the guy come find me.”

Urad laughed as he picked up Kendra. “Shall we go beautiful?” Kendra nodded and they both disappeared in a whirlwind. We all stood there shocked before Zaid cleared his throat. “Shall we continue?”

I turned my head to face Zaid then nodded. My mind was blank and I was unable to understand the situation before Kyo screamed.

“Looks like the big boy didn’t like what Dracula did,” smirked Jacob. A few head nods went around agreeing with his words.

“He just kissed me, didn’t he?” I muttered with two fingers to my lips.

“He sure did,” Luna said.

My eyes widened. “That guy!!!!”

Kyo sighed and everyone came closer so they could all hear was Zaid was about to say.

“We shall begin,” He started. He waved his hands forward. “Exsisto Existo Quad Evorior Ut Laxo Quod has Venio.”

Just then, I felt the ground shake underneath us. A lough crack echoed through my ears. I felt Kyo grip my shoulders to keep me from falling to the ground. Two stone tables with Latin encryption arose from openings in the ground.

“Bring Clarriesse forward,” Zaid commanded. Both Akito and Zen lurched Clarriesse forward with their mouths. She growled at the movement and shot me an evil look.

“You WILL pay for this!” She muttered.

My hands automatically clenched at my sides. I closed my eyes and felt my pulse beat through my body.

“Relax, you’ll be fine,” Kyo told me as I opened my eyes. He placed a reassuring hand on me before shooting me a wide grin.

“It’s okay,” I replied. “Clarriesse doesn’t bother me.”

            “Sure,” he said. I knew he knew that I was half lying and I was trying to be strong. I shot him an ungrateful look before pulling myself out of his grip.

“The procedure will be similar to the ritual Keru did. Do not be alarmed dear Rose, things will move smoother than last time,” Zaid stated while he chained Clarriesse to the left stone table.

Too much surprise, Clarriesse didn’t struggle as she was thrown onto the table. She continued, though, to hold on to an evil look of pure loathing. Her same blue green eyes continued to stare at mine, like she was transfixed. It was a look of emptiness in her eyes. A look of hate. She blinked causing me to snap back into reality.

“You got that Rose?” Stephan asked from beside me. I jumped back in alarm to his sudden words.

“Got w-what?”

“Don’t tell me you haven’t heard a single thing that I just told you, did you?”

“Umm… sorry.”

He sighed. “Don’t worry about it. Everyone is gone except Zaid and lover boy over there. Both will be in charge of seeing this though to the end. Then everything will be over.”

I looked at his face to see a slightly sad expression. I opened my mouth to ask the wondering question ‘what’s wrong?’ but he stopped me.

“I hope we can see each other, in a good sense,” He whispered. He pulled me into a giant bear hug before running off. I smiled while tears stung my eyes. After this everything will go back to normal. The elders will be gone and disappear like they were never here like the legend.

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