19. Memory Lane

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They pulled up at the safehouse, Andrew and Charlotte exiting the cruiser immediately, Oliver rising from the Charger and Carter dismounting his horse.

Andrew made his way to the building, sliding the keys into the lock, turning it, and allowing for the door to swing open with a creak.

Woooooo, spooooooooky

"Please. Shut up." Oli thought.

What? I'm the only one that kept you company that entire journey.

"And thank God it's over..."

Still don't see why you thank the guy, he is trying to kill you.

"Ladies first," Carter stated in his usual gruff voice, gesturing to the door with his head.

Charlotte gave him a small nod and a weak smile before entering. Oli and Carter followed, Andrew bringing up the rear. Oli could hear a crackling of a tv from the left-hand side of the hallway. As they approached the door they noticed the room was filled with the bluish, grey light of static. Oli strode in first to turn the thing off, the rest of the men following. Charlotte was suspicious. Why was it on? She followed behind them, scanning the room for anything off. Nothing but a simple tv...

Oli switched it off, Charlotte flicking the light switch. In typical "spooky film" fashion, the bulb exploded instantly, causing Charlotte to give a small yelp, Oli and Andrew to let out a small cry of alarm, and Carter to just remain exactly as he was.

"We should search the house," Oli suggested.

For once, Andrew and Oli managed to get through a suggestion without arguing. Charlotte was quietly impressed. Carter agreed to search the ground floor as his hobbling made going up the stairs somewhat difficult. Oli and Charlotte agreed to search upstairs while Andrew stayed to look after Carter.

"He told me by the way," Charlotte muttered to Oli as they reached the top of the stairs. He told me about my mum."

Oli remained silent. He knew she deserved to know, but the guilt of forcing her dad to tell her still wracked him.

"I don't know what to do Oli."

He turned to look at her, and for the first time, he saw something in her eyes. True confusion. Charlotte was renowned for being confident; utterly strong in herself, even if nobody else shared her opinion. But here she was, her eyes begging Oli for some form of answer.

"He's your dad, not mine. It's not my place to comment on it."

Charlotte looked away, lost in thought.

"I just don't know how to forgive him. My mum is not only still out there, but she has no idea about how I'm doing, what happened after she left, who I am... And I don't even know what her face looks like."

Oli's heart broke at her last comment, his arm reaching out and bringing her into him.

"Then let's find her. Once this is over, you and I will find your mum, together. She'll find out what an amazing woman you've become and you'll finally know everything about her. Sound like a good idea?"

Charlotte pulled away, beaming.

"I knew you'd know how to cheer me up."

She stood on her toes and pressed her lips against his, before pulling away again to carry on;

"Wait a minute... I should die my hair red again..."

Oli coughed in surprise.

"Wait... what? Why?"

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