Chapter 1

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A/n so I've rewritten this thing so many times and I'm really sorry about any spelling or typing errors :D

(Y/n)'s Pov

You walked up to the door of the house, it was Aphmau's house, your childhood friend. You've known each other since you were babies, but you haven't talked for years. Hesitantly, you lifted your hand to knock.




A girl with pink hair and cat ears opened the door with a wide smile. As she realised you weren't the person she was expecting her face went dark, and fast. Like really fast.

"Who are you?" She growled, 'jeez', you thought, 'that's not very kind'.

"I-I'm," you stuttered, "I-I'm (Y/n) (L/n), nice to meet you miss?" The meif'wa rolled her eyes and turned slightly towards the stairs before yelling,

"Aphmau~senpai, it's your friend or whatever," a voice came down the stairs,

"u-um tell them to come in Kawaii~chan!"

Kawaii~chan moved to the side to let you pass, you picked up your bags and walked in.

"Aphmau~senpai's room is up the stairs, the one on the left," Kawaii~chan said after closing the door behind you.

"Thanks!" You said with a smile trying to brighten the mood. You walked up the stairs leaving you stuff at the doorway and knocked on the door Kawaii~chan had told you was Aph's room.

Aphmau opened the door slightly.

"Hi (Y/n)," she said.

"Good..." you checked your watch, "9:23am, Aph," you said giggling, she looked at you confused, you sighed with disappointment she obviously didn't remember.

"Oh u-uh, you know, it's the thing we used to do as kids," you said softly while looking at the floor.

"So, can I come in?" you asked changing the topic.

"U-um, right now isn't a very good time (Y/n)," she said while looking behind her. You peeked over her shoulder because you were taller than her to see a guy with dark hair and blue eyes on the floor in a pink dress playing with My Little Horsies.

"Pfft," you snorted making the guy look up.

"Oh, I-I better g-go Aph," he said standing up and pulling the dress off over his head. You couldn't help but stare as he took it off because when he did he accidentally pulled his shirt up revealing his stomach. 'Damn', you thought 'he's hot'. You focused back on Aphmau who was going on about some dress she got at the mall. Your face began to get really hot as the guy came to the door.

Zane's Pov

I took off the dress and started walking to the door, Aph was babbling to the girl at the door, but the girl wasn't paying attention, she was looking at me. Blushing I put my hand out to her while saying, "Zane, Zane Ro'meave, it's nice to meet you miss?"

"Oh (Y-y/n), bleh, (Y/n) (L/n),"

(Y/n)'s Pov

'Zane, huh. Ro'meave, now, I've heard that that last name before', you thought,

"It's nice to meet you miss (Y/n)," he said slipping past Aphmau who had now gone quiet.

"Cya later, Aph," he said as he slid past her.

Zane was now standing right infront of you, "bye (Y/n)," he said.

"Bye Zane," you said smiling, after you'd heard the front door slam closed you pushed Aphmau into her room violently and kicked the door shut behind you.

A/n So i hope you enjoyed this chapter (word count 550),




Please tell me if I can make any changes to it to make it better.


Bai Author~chan out?

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