Returned to Sender

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Mercy woke grabbing at her seared back. Around her were people each wearing scrunched up faces. One deep breath and she pinched her nose. Someone released their runny bowels in a sludgy overflowing bucket. The cell was filled with women, men, and a few children mostly around age eight or ten.

A red haired cat sat staring at them in the cell. If it hadn't been for its flexibility people would have kicked him or stepped directly on him. Maybe they didn't see him. Mercy clicked her tongue twice and waved her hands for him to come near. It only hissed at her and disappeared into the huddled persons attempting to get sleep. Mercy crawled back until she bumped into the rusted prison bars.

She quickly grabbed onto them and started screaming. Her fellow prisoners started groaning.

From around the corner the bus driver arrived hissing and screeching.

"Why am I here? Let me out right now."

Its teeth chattered,"You summoned an evil spirit away from its master. You pay the price."

"You can talk."

"You can run."

Mercy sucked her teeth. "You would too if a demonic Frosty abducted you. I was just supposed to be catching the bus to 33rd street. Well when did I summon something, huh? When?"

The holes where his eyes should be squinted. "Because of that stunt you pulled no one will buy you! You're damaged goods."

The creature spat red illuminated phlegm at her then left; its feet stomped hard enough to shake the floor. Mercy teared up as her hands went to rub her back.

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