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Mercy felt a pressure on her stomach. Whiskers kissed the bottom of her slightly pointed chin. She woke to cool sniffles of a cat's nose. Mercy started to pull the cat off, but instead she found herself petting its shaggy long fur. A man in a soiled white dress shirt scooted next to her.

Mercy sat up; her hands secured the cat to her lap.

"What got you in here."

"Why would that matter to you?"

The man rolled up his sleeves. Intricate black tattoos were carved into his skin. They looked to be gears and cogs surrounded by a lace pattern border.

"Call me Otto. I'm a time pirate, been one my whole life. As did my father and his father and his grandfather's mother. We specialize in taking valuable items or persons and placing them in the hands of other families. Cross dimensionally I might add. I have something for you. A plan to get us out of here."

Mercy pushed him back with her index finger. Both her and his foul breath started to act like nerve gas.

"Plea is someone I know. I owe him my life. Saving his beloved human girlfriend will surely make things square. That's why I'm here actually--"

Her breaths became thin. "I don't trust you. I don't trust anyone who says they know Plea. And you know who I am too." Mercy hugged the cat close to her. Its claws ripped into her arm before wiggling out of her grip.

"Yes ,well you interrupted me. Plea paid me to transport you from your flat to his base. Only problem is I got caught smuggling one of the queens valuables. So it's into the workforce I go."

"I'd rather not bet my life on such a flimsy story."

"Smart, but I wouldn't refuse. I'm breaking out of here in five days with or without you. In six days Sod will be bringing in the harvesters."

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