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(Kaylees p.o.v)
Ugh great, today is the day I move to Minnesota with my family since my dad's business has been relocated there."Okay Mom I'm up" I said in a irritated way.I got up and decided I would wear a Tøp shirt,black jeans,a galaxy beanie, and my Galaxy rose high top vans.I grabbed my phone from my bed and noticed I had an instagram Dm request, I opened it and realized it was from Justin Blake a famous muser, so I accepted it and it said "hey there Kaylee, I have noticed that you have been socially active a lot lately and im now offering you a chance to get to meet many famous musers on a tour in Minnesota it will start This Saturday we are all hoping you will be able to come and tour with us Thank you for your time,Goodbye" OMG I thought I'M GONNA BE FAMOUS. I put my phone in my back pocket for now and grab my stuff that's left and put it in the car, I'll just talk to mom and dad about the message on the way to Minnesota.
         (3 hours later )
"Hey mom, dad" I said "yes, Sweetie" they replied "I got a message this morning from Justin Blake a famous muser and it turns out his company wants me to go on tour with them this friday ,and I was wondering if I could go it's in Minnesota" I said "well I mean it is Monday and by Thursday we should have everything settled I don't see a problem with it, do you kyle?" Said my mom."Well, I don't want  Ryan to have to be alone for a week for the first time here, so check and see if he can go with you, ok?" Said dad "ok" I said. Then I Dmed Justin saying "my parents don't mind as long as my 14 year old brother Ryan will be able to come along with me" I replied.
      (10 min. Later)
"Okay, I talked to my manager and he said that your brother can come as long as he doesn't cause any trouble"
Justin replied "ok, I'll make sure he doesn't cause any trouble and thank you guys so much." I replied "your welcome, and I can't wait to meet you after a while the people here get kinda boring ya know" he replied "yeah, true" I replied
  I told mom and dad that they don't mind and they're letting me go on tour.IM SO HAPPY!!!
      (1 hour later)
I put in my headphones and start listening to Panic At the Disco, I then realize we are finally in minnesota.
       (Le time skip brought to you by
We're finally at our new house. I get out the car and grab my stuff then walk in, Wow, this place is big. I walk upstairs and find a door with my name on it, we'll looks like this is my headquarters I thought I walk in and I see a galaxy bed cover and pillows on the bed,black and purple walls,and dresser drawers.I open up the closet and it turns out to be a walk in closet, I sit my stuff down, and check the time,Damn it's already 6 pm.
            (That night)
Finally changed into pajamas.i walk down stairs I grab a monster from the fridge and a twinkie  from the counter and go back up stairs and I drink the monster and eat the twinkie. After that I throw it away and go to sleep

  Well I hope you guys liked this chapter I know it's kinda crappy but come on give me some credit I'm updating at 2:38 am what do you expect.well I'm gonna go to sleep now bye!

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