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(Kaylee pov)
As soon as I woke up I felt like I was going to puke, I ran to the bathroom, once I reached the toilet I puked my guts out. Then I realize what this ment, "JUSTTTIIIINNNNN" I yelled not in anger but in a scared way "im coming" he said , as he ran into the bathroom, he looked down then realized what happened, " you want to go to the store and a test" he asked me stuttering "sure......" I said
(At the store)
We walked in the store and we finally
found a test. We walked up to the cashier and paid for it also buying condoms and tampons, the cashier looked at us and said "you two look a little young to be doings ya know 'that' " she said to us but I replied with a "my mom told me while I was out to buy some of those (referring to the condoms) for her." And we wmalked away I told Justin I'm gonna go to the bathroom and test it and see if it's positive.
(5 minutes later)
(Justin pov)
"JUSTIN" I heard Kaylee call, I walked in the bathroom and she was crying , "Justin, Congratulations you're a father" she told me in sympathy "what will your parents think of this, we just meet" I asked her, "well we can tell them once the bump starts showing we tell them that I'm pregnant" she told me "What if they kick you out?" I asked afraid "well, I was hoping if they did that you would let me stay with you until I can afford an apartment, but my first question is are we a thing now?"she asked/told me "I don't think my parents will mind and , we can be a thing if you want to" I said reassuring her "I want to be a thing" she said as she leaned up to kiss me, I kissed her back the we pulled away "I think we should get going" I said to her "okay" she replied as I grabbed her hand and we walked to my car
(Ryan pov) (wasn't expecting that)
My phone started ringing I realized it was my sister so I answered
(Convo r=Ryan k=kaylee)
K:hey Ryan, I have something I need to talk to you about
R:ok, what's up?
K: don't freak out but, ....I'm pregnant
K:since last night
R:who's the father
K:Just is the father
R:oh at least he is a good guy
K:yeah, but if mom and dad kick me out I'm just gonna go live with Justin
K: yeah well Bye
(End convo)
Well that was awkward I thought

Well were you guys expectatining that to happen Please comment and vote Thanks and good night America

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