Telling them

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A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while I had serious writers block, and a lot of stuff has been happening

Kaylee pov
(3 months later)
Today is the today, Justin and I tell our parents.We decided on telling his parents first, since his parents aren't as strict as mine.
   Once we get to his house we go in and he calls his parents and siblings down. "Ok everyone, Do not freak out but we have an announcement to make" Justin said to his family. "I'm pregnant" I announced nervous.
Justins parents remain silence then reply with a "Justin, We aren't mad but , don't you think that you guys are a little young?" "Mom, dad, it was a mistake , we weren't thinking" Justin told them "it's okay were not mad but, I think you should go tell her parents now, if you havent" said his dad.

(at Kaylees house)
"Mom, Dad, Can you come down please it's kinda important!" I yelled.
"WERE COMING" i heard mom and dad yell as they walk down stair in unison. "Hey honey, why are you back so early?" My dad asked me."Well, we are kinda expecting "Kaylee, I told you not to do anything stupid while you were gone but it looks like you broke that promise, and I will not allow you to live in my house, at 16 and pregnant, I want you out by august" said my mom in anger "ok, I'll be out by then, good bye" I said as I took Justins hand and walked out.

(Le time skip brought to you by Levi ackerman)

Justin pov

"Hey, don't freak out, remember my dad said you can live with us until we get our own house or apartment." I told her."Ok, but I only have 3 months to get my stuff out." Kaylee said. "That's okay cuz with the help of Damon,dad, and me. We will be able to get some of your stuff in storage and you can live with us." I reassured her."ok, I'm gonna go to sleep now I've had a rough day" Kaylee told me "ok, sweet dreams"

Well I wasn't expecting that to happen...Or was i?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2017 ⏰

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