Going on tour

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Kaylee pov

It's been four days since I last talked to Justin so I decided to text him about    how am I gonna get to the place we are touring at.
    (Their convo
K:Hey justin, I was wondering how am I gonna get to the tour place?
J:Well , erm I could pick you up on the way there, I mean if you don't mind
K:Well it depends, do you live near Minnesota?
J:Yeah, I actually live there
K:oh cool, me too
J:So, around 12 pm?
K:Sure my address is 1014 Oakfield drive (A/N: Just a made up address)
J:Alright I'll be there in a hour
        (End convo)
(Justins pov)
It's been 4 days,96 Hours,5670 minutes,and 560,625 seconds. Now I finally get to meet her, Kaylee, I've looked at the pictures on her instagram and she is really pretty I mean I would like to become close to her and eventually ask her out but, not to close that she sees me as a brother.
        (Kaylees pov)
Finally in one hour I'll get to meet him, My all time favorite muser, Justin Drew Blake.
     Time skip 30 minutes
I decided on wearing a galaxy Ptv shirt, a galaxy beanie, black skinny jeans, and black converse. I look in the mirror and I decide that I look pretty decent , but I think I'll put on some make up such as mascara and eyeliner.By the time I get done I realize it's 11:55, Justin should be here any minute.
I get up and open the Door and realize that it's Justin I get exicted,I then hug him and he hugs me back. "Well are you ready to go?" He asked "Yeah, hold on let me go get my stuff and Ryan." I replied "Okay" he said .
I walk upstairs and bang on Ryans door "Hey faggot It's time to go."
I said to him through the door "I'm coming you as hole hold on" he said back to me "HEY YOU GUYS WATCH THE LANGUAGE IN THERE OR YOU WON'T BE GOING ANYWHERE!" yelled my mom from her room."Okay sorry" me and Ryan said in unison. I walk in to my room I grab my duffel bag , my phone, and a pillow, then I walk back down stairs and I see Ryan and Justin having a conversation with each other "I'm triggered you have a conversation and don't invite me, How Rude!" I said "Oh I'm sorry" Ryan said in a sarcastic tone, I ignore him. "Well are you guys ready to go?" Asked Justin "Yeah" Ryan and I said in unison. We all walk to the car and put our stuff in the back and get in and head to the tour grounds.

Hey guys it's me again ,Your ugly as piece of trash author, well let's not go there right now but I'm sorry this is a crappy story so far but I'm trying to make it better Bye you guys I love all of you and remember Stay in drugs Don't do school Life's a bitch don't quit and Peace out thug pugs (yes I made the outer from Johnnie guilberr FIGHT ME actually don't I'll leave now)

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