■■being alone with him■■

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For the younger viewers there is a part in here that is not needed to be seen by the young I will make a mark like this ■ when the "stuff" starts happening

(Justin pov)
"Hey Justin?" Kaylee said "Yeah?" I answered "Well I was curios since everyone's room is already picked and Ryan is gonna be with someone who am I gonna be roommates with at the hotel?" Kaylee asked me "Well when me and my boss Tom were talking Monday he said that he was hoping it was Allright if you share a room with me but the problem Is there is only one bed." I told Kaylee "erm...I mean I don't mind having share a bed with you if you don't mind" Kaylee told me "uh erm... I don't mind at all" I reassured her "well, are you sure because I can sleep on the floor I mean come on you just meet me, for all you know I could be a serial killer , don't worry tho I'm not" Kaylee said unsure "Kay, look I don't mind at all" I said in a nice caring tone. A few minutes of quit Ness we slowly leaned in and kissed, I had a feeling in my stomach bur a good one, kinda like butterflys."Kay, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that" I said worried she would be pissed at me for doing that "Jay, it's fine I don't mind" sher said as she leaned closer to me and kissed me, we pulled away gasping for air. "Let's go and grab our stuff and put in the hotel" I said breaking the silence between us "Okay let's go" Kay had said to me while grabbing her stuff from the back. I grabbed my stuff then I walked over to Kays side to see if she needed any help, turns out she didnt, I checked in the hotel and got our key to the room. Walking away from the desk I grab Kays hand and walk to the elevator pushing button 3 so we could go tour room.
     (Time skip after putting stuff down and getting settled)
"So...erm Kay what do you want to do now?"I asked her "Well I was thinking we could have a movie night since it's already 6" Kay said back to me "that sounds like a plan, want me to order pizza for us?" I asked "sure" she replied
(Time skip to movie)
We were watching the conjuring and all of a sudden a pop scare Kay and I both screamed and then she cuddled up towards my chest "hey Kay it OK I'm nor gonna let anything get you okay?" I said. "Okay" she replied
   ■30 minutes later■
We were having a makeup session and I decided to lay her on the bed and start kissing her neck until I find her sweet spot making her moan in pleasure "J-Justin" Kay said in pleasure obviously wanting more.
I flip us over letting Kay be on top of me as she takes my shirt off and I take off hers.
(Kays pov)
I start kissing him down to  his chest and down to his v-line, kissing around his boxer outline.I start to take off my jeans while he removes his and he then asks me "are you sure" I nod my head. I take off my underwear while he slides off his boxers and I look down, instantly realizing it's gonna hurt. "Justin, your gonna be my first"
I tell him "Kay, don't worry your my first" he says as he slides his member into my womanhood. I moan in pleasure as he starts picking up the speed "JUSTIN I'M CLOSE" I yell while he replies "I'm close too."


(Justin pov)
I feel myself getting close as I pull out from her womanhood making her cum on the bed covers.  "Get on your knees and suck" I demand her as she obeys and starts suckling making me through my head back in pleasure. I see her grin not knowing what to expect, the next thing I knew she starts teasing me "Come on babe don't be such a tease" I tell her.

     After the rest of love scene
"That was fun" Kay said to me "yeah it was" I reply agreeing with her
Well , what do you guys think will happen next? Comment down below and vote Byeeeee!

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