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You sat in Mr. Rogers' history class, ready for class to start so you could get it over with. You were itching to get to the art room and work on one of your many paintings. Twirling your pencil impatiently between your fingers, the bell finally rang. Mr. Rogers entered the room, a tall and slender boy walked behind him. You didn't recognize him but there was something about him that made you want to get to know him.

"Alright class, before we get started I would like to introduce Sam Winchester, our new student." As Rogers told the class who he was, Sam stared down at his shoes. It was obvious he was nervous, he looked up and gave the room a brief smile before hurriedly taking a seat, right next to yours.
Thinking about the boy next to you, you realize the name 'Winchester' sounded familiar, didn't your Dad mention someone by that name?
You made a mental note to ask your Dad later when he picked you up after school. Looking towards Sam, you caught him staring at you. You smiled as he quickly looked down at his desk, cheeks bright red. Deciding to write him a note, you ripped a small piece of paper out of your note book.

I don't bite, if that's what your wondering.
Names Y/N, welcome to Rosewood High.

You quickly tossed the note at him, making sure Rogers wasn't looking your way. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the surprise on Sam's face. He quickly wrote a response and tossed it your way.

Thanks, I was looking at the bow you have in your hair.
It suits you.

You blushed at his response. You had a floral bow in your hair, pinning your long bangs away from your face. You had a thing for bows, but that also made you a target for bullies. You were glad he wasn't making fun of you for it. You quickly wrote him another note and that's how the rest of the class went. The two of you trying to contain your laughter from goofy notes and just getting to know each other. Finally the bell rang, gathering all your belongings you headed out of the classroom. Sam was waiting outside for you.

"Hey." He said with a smile.

"Hey, yourself." You smiled back.

"What class are you headed to next?" He said, adjusting the backpack hanging from his left shoulder.

"Art, you?" He looked down at the schedule in his hand before looking back at you with a smirk.


"Sweet, I guess I'll be your tour guide then." You said with a chuckle.

"Lead the way." He laughed.

You had a couple of classes together after that and before you knew it, it was the end of the school day. With your bookbag slung over you shoulder, you stood in front of the school waiting for your Dad to show up. Caught up in the wonderful weather, the warm wind kissing your skin, you didn't notice Sam walk up and stand next to you.

"Beautiful weather, huh?" You jumped at the sound of Sam's voice, noticing, he laughed as you blushed from embarrassment.

"Jesus, Sam! A little head's up next time would be nice!" You playfully hit him on the shoulder, causing him to laugh even harder. You instantly loved his laugh, it was a little high pitched and very loud but it was precious.

"Nah, scaring you is too much fun." He joked.

"Sam!" A voice echoed from behind the two of you. Turning, you saw a older boy with spiky dishwater, brown hair. He was wearing an oversized leather jacket but he looked like a total badass. He took big strides towards the two of you and soon he was a foot away from you, a little peeved.

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