Hold On

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Sam's POV

Hanging up the phone, I threw it across the small motel room Dean and I were staying in.

"Damnit!" I yelled in frustration. Dean rushed out of the bathroom, obviously confused.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Its Derek, he has Y/N." I replied angrily.

"Wait, that asshat that attacked you the other night?" Dean asked to clarify.


"Why did he take her?"

"To get to me, he said he would be back, she was there, I wasn't." I hung my head, running my hand through my hair, a mixed feeling of frustration and regret.

"Okay, so what does he want?" Dean asked, already packing up his belongings as I packed up mine.

"He said that if I don't help him, he's going to kill her." He stopped what he was doing and looked at me.

"That son-of-a-bitch! Look, neither of those things are gonna happen, alright. We're gonna go get Y/N and knock some sense into Derek, just cause the worlds ending doesn't mean people can do whatever they want." Dean said angrily, zipping up his bag, he walked out to the impala. I followed close behind him.

Once we were both in the impala, I gave him the address that Derek had given me. It was going to be a three hour drive and every minute that passed made me want to jump out of my own skin. I couldn't help but feel guilty, knowing that I had just left her to fend for herself, leaving her to deal with my mess. I ran my hands over my face, stressing over what a mess my life was and if Y/N was really okay.
After what felt like an eternity, we pulled up to an abandoned warehouse. Derek was waiting outside, leaning against the side of his car. I could see his breaths in puffs from the cool night air. He took one last swig of his beer before tossing the empty can as Dean and I got out of the car.

"Dean, didn't expect you to come along, nice to see you." Derek said with a chuckle.

"The feeling ain't mutual." Dean growled.

"Where is she?" I asked. Derek nodded in the direction of the warehouse.

"In there, with some buddies of mine." He stood up and began walking towards us, "Ya know, she put up quite the fight, super loyal to you as well. It was a shame really, a pretty face like that-"

"What do you want Derek?" I cut him off, fed up.

"I got a bottle of go juice for you boy, we got some demons to kill." He said clapping his hands together.

"No, I'm not doing that, I'm never touching that stuff again." I protested.

"Then say 'goodbye' to Y/N in there!" Derek screamed, his face red with rage, "You're the reason my best friend, a good man, is dead! Now you can help me or you loose her!"

"She has nothing to do with this." Dean tried to reason.

"Shut up! You aren't a part of this." Derek yelled at Dean.

"You threaten my brother, you threaten my friend, damn right I'm a part of this!"

"Common, Sam!" Derek said impatiently.


Derek rushed forward, grabbing me by the collar of my jacket, slamming me to the ground. I heard Dean's shouts but in the moment all I could see was the rage, feel my own rise up within me. I realized that Derek had a knife in his hand, grabbing his wrist I wrestled with him.

"Derek, stop this!" I grunted.

"Never." With one final push, I watched the blade peirce his stomach, his eyes grew wide as he looked at me. Dean threw him off me just then, helping me up, we watched as Derek closed his eyes. His chest slowly stopped rising and falling, his breath no longer visible in the night air.

"Jesus..." I breathed out as I looked at him.

"Common Sam, we gotta move." Dean grabbed my arm and began to pull me towards the warehouse. Shaking myself out of my trance, I followed Dean. Both of us had our guns drawn as we entered the aged building.
We could hear the hushed voices of Derek's friends as we made our way into the main storage area of the warehouse. Hiding behind some wooden crates we could see the layout clearly. Y/N was tied to a chair in the center of the room, a large spot light over her, the only light in the room. Her head was hanging low, she didn't appear to be awake and it made my blood boil.
Two men, hunters, were standing behind her talking quietly. Looking over at Dean, we split up, he took the right side of the room while I took the left, as we slowly approached the light Dean called out.

"Show me your hands and no one gets hurt." Dean shouted, the two men jumped. Pulling out their guns they began to fire but Dean got them both before either of us were hurt.

Putting my gun in my belt, I rushed to Y/N. I checked for a pulse and was relieved when I found one but I was filled with anger, looking at her. She was covered with cuts and bruises, her right calf and shin were wrapped in gauze and she had burn marks on her forearms. While I had been inspecting her, Dean had found a key to the hand cuffs around her wrists and ankles. Once they were off of her, I picked her up, cradling her in my arms and began to walk with Dean back to the impala. In that moment, I realized how scared I was at the thought of loosing her, holding her in my arms felt right and as strange as it sounds I knew that I couldn't let her walk out of my life again.
I sat in the back seat with her as we drove back to the motel, I had wrapped my jacket around her when I noticed that she was shaking. Once we got back to motel, I laid her down on one of the bed's and Dean and I got to work cleaning her wounds and sewing some up, bandaging others. I then slipped a sweatshirt of mine on her and pulled the covers over her.

"I'm gonna sleep in my baby." Dean said grabbing his coat.


"I'm not blind, brother, I'll give you some space." With that he closed the door, leaving me with Y/N.

I sat down on the bed next to hers, watching as her chest rose and fell, thinking of what life could have been like if she had stayed in mine. It just made me more determined, to keep her safe, to keep her in my life.
It was hard to push the painful memory of when she left away. I knew she would tell me why in her own time but as I watched her sleep I couldn't help but wonder...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2019 ⏰

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