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  Kilani stepped off of the plane letting the Houston air hit her face

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Kilani stepped off of the plane letting the Houston air hit her face.

"mommy where are we?"

"baby we are in Houston Texas where we originally came from."

Kilani held onto Jr tightly, while she walked inside of the building. Carson had already set them up a Hotel room and a limo that would be driving them around. Kilani quickly spotted the sign that read Kilani and Jr. Although Kilani was a little mad at Carson , she was thankful that he had went out of his way to help her on this custody journey. Carson couldn't make the flight back home due to business he was handling , so he was going to come two days later, Kilani didn't mind she wanted him to handle that situation before they got back home anyways.

Kilani followed the driver to the Limo, getting so many stares from people she didn't even know. Kilani felt uneasy being back in Houston, she just wanted it all to be over , once she got the full custody of her son , she would be back on the first flight to L.A .

"aye man! you didn't tell me she was this damn fine bro, damn!" Chris said watching Kilani get into the Limo. Chris was an old childhood friend of Vons , keeping an eye on Kilani for him. Since Kilani didn't know Chris , Von felt it would be a good idea if Chris could keep tabs on her for him.

"Yea if she anything like I last remembered she was fine as hell, why you think I made her the mother of my child." von chuckled over the phone.

"I see , Ion know why you let her go." Chris said .

"man its complicated, you wouldn't understand." Von said over the phone.

"you just make sure you follow her and tell me everywhere she go, so I know where to find her." von said hanging up the phone.



Kilani unlocked her hotel room with her key putting Jr down onto the floor.

Kilani was so stressed she didn't know where to start first. She felt like Jr . was too young to understand the situation, but then again she felt like she owed him the truth.

Kilani layed back on the bed feeling exhausted , she missed Carson she couldn't deny that, he was a good man and he was fine as hell, Kilani smiled loking at her beautiful Diamond wedding ring.

Kilani heard her phone ding, turning over she noticed it was a text from that same number Asia called her from.

asia: Von is just trying to set you up so he can have you to his self be careful.

Kilani thought for a moment and decided it was best if she didn't reply .  Kilani put her sleeping baby in the bed under the covers , she knew he had to be exhausted , and quite frankly she was too.

Kilani started to strip out of her fur and sweater when she heard a knock at the door.

" who is it ?"

"room service a males voice responded back.

" I didnt order anything." Kilani said pulling her shirt back over her head. peeping through the hole she didnt recognize the man , and he was dressed like a maid , so she cracked the door meeting Chris.

"im sorry sir but I didnt order anything." kilani said smiling .

"but I did." Vons voice came from the side facing her, the man that she almost hadn't seen in a year wasw standing inches away from her face . Kilani began to panic trying to close the door.

von quickly put his foot in the door overpowering Kilani, he was going to get in that hotel room one way or another.


Thank you to all the supporters that I have and I hope you are enjoying the book so far. mind you that this book wil contain 30 chapters so please continue to be patient . Like I said this is the Last and final series to this book and I will be taking my Time on it to make sure I've answered all unanswered questions throughout the book. If you have any questions about the book or charaters please feel free to comment below or message me, if you feel I wasn't clear enough. Thank you I love you all.

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