Chapter 41: the finale

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Dad woke me up the next day so We could see who finally wins total drama world tour.
I grabbed my clothes and changed and stepped into the bathroom to get ready.

I made my hair wavy then stepped out of the bathroom to let dad get ready

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I made my hair wavy then stepped out of the bathroom to let dad get ready.
"So how you feeling about today" dad asked me on our way down to the lobby.
"Eh" I said shrugging my shoulders I had no clue how to feel, my best friend boyfriend might be competing against each other in the finale two and only one can win, how am I supposed to feel. When everyone was gathered down at the beach dad had me choose the tie breaker challenge for Alejandro and Cody to do. I decided to go with the stick fight, basically Alejandro and Cody were given sticks they had to duel with like sword fighting, only instead of using swords it was sticks and they had to stand on a platform set up in the water. First person to lose their stick or fall off the platform would lose leaving the remaining person the one who battles Heather.
"Clair care to perform the musical challenge again..again?" Dad asked.
"Sure" I said I set up the speakers and grabbed a mic and started the song.

After I finished the song Cody and Alejandro started dueling, I was screaming on the inside begging for Cody to win. Alejandro looked as if he might win I couldn't watch but yet I couldn't look away. Alejandro raised his stick in the air giving a dramatic pause, I held my breath, just then Cody took his stick and pushed Alejandro off the platform and into the sea.
"Cody wins!" Dad announced. "Now its Heather versus Cody."
"I didn't know what just happened, I couldn't choose a side now, that isn't a possibility.
Dad had the eliminated competitors choose sides, team Cody or team Heather.
"Clair which team are you on?"
"I'm not choosing" I said crossing my arms.
"Well how about you're on the team with less people. "
"Guess that's Heather's team then"
Cody and Heather had to make dummies of each other and race up to the volcano and throw the dummies in to win the million.
"Heather and Cody you guys can pick two people from your team to be helpers in the final challenge"
"Ok Clair and Gwen you're with me" Heather said.
"I'll take.. Harold and Owen." Cody said. Gwen and I helped Heather build a wooden dummy of Cody. Heather finished first and took off running up the mountain with her doll, Cody wasn't too far behind he put the finishing touches on his doll and took off.
"So we're enemies now?" Cody asked.
"Just until you win" I called out catching up to Heather.
"What did lover boy have to say?" Heather asked between breaths.
"Wanted to know if we are enemies forever or until one of you wins"
Heather stopped suddenly trying to catch her breath, I helped her out by carrying the Cody doll and Gwen was there with some water. Heather and Cody made it to the top and suddenly everything.. even time itself seemed as if it stopped. Cody and Heather stared at each other then they both turned to look at me.
"What do we do now ?" Heather asked.
"I don't know" Cody said shaking his head keeping his eyes on me.
"Someone wins!" Dad yelled.
"Ok on three"
Heather and Cody counted out together.
"One... two.. three. They both tossed the dolls into the volcano I watched as I saw the Heather doll sink first.
"AND THE WINNER OF TOTAL DRAMA WORLD TOUR IS ...CODY!" Dad announced handing the silver case with a million dollars to Cody. I cheered along with everyone else as we ran down the mountain and into the water.
"Congratulations Cody!" I cheered giving him a big hug.
"Thanks Clair now we party!"

And if Heather won it would be this way.

Cody and Heather made it to the top of the volcano and everything suddenly stopped.
"What now?" Cody and Heather asked at the same time.
"Someone wins!" Dad yelled out.
"On three "  Cody said, they counted out loud together.
"One.. two.. three."
I watch as the Cody doll sank into the pool of lava.
"AND THE WINNER OF TOTAL DRAMA WORLD TOUR IS.. HEATHER" dad announced handing Heather the silver case holding the million dollars inside. I cheered out and gave Heather a big hug.
"Congratulations Heath!"
"Thanks Clair, now come on everyone it's Time to party!" Heather yelled. We all took off running down the mountain and into the water.
This next part happens no matter who wins.
"This has been the best summer ever!" I cheered and everyone cheered back, and dad wrapped the show up.
"Well that's all we have this time Thank you for watching, I'm Chris McLean and this has been "TOTAL.. DRAMA.. WORLD TOUR!"

thank you to everyone who has read this story. the first part to the sequel will be published later today, it's called finding our way
This is what the cover looks like

 the first part to the sequel will be published later today, it's called finding our way This is what the cover looks like

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Thank you again for reading I love you all <3 -Lindsay

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