16. Discoveries- Part 2

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This chapter is dedicated to vaishnaviasp for her prolonged support and wonderful encouragement. Thank you girl, keep going.

Violeta's POV

After a long discussion, we concluded that I won't be needing any tutorial about ways of this world. It was almost the same and hence Mr. Petrakis said that I could easily manage. Plus (according to him) my lover was soo caring and is always there to help. I just rolled my eyes and let it be. Atleast that was sorted now. I didn't prefer coming to this place anyway, it is wired and scary.

But why was I being so sarcastic and becoming mean? When I asked this Ms. Hollis, she said that it was because these were Lavendar's traits. She had done a background study on Lavendar. So according to her it was normal. And this was one of the reasons why, she believed Lavendar will take my place and do my duties back in our universe.

But the discussion has not ended yet. They were giving a long speech on how I and Xander were so similar because we are soul mates. Yup, they believed in that. Like seriously. But I loved the fact that we were so similar. I have always regarded compatibility as a very important factor in relationships and this fact gave me a lot of reassurance. The rest of the discussion was fully dominated by Xander, so I just sat back wondering what could be happening in my place and how am I ever going to be able to live here and accustom with this so called "upgraded people."

Alexander's POV

As soon as I got up today morning, I checked Lavendar's mobile for any traces of Jackson. And there was his messages about how he was sorry and that he wants to end the break. (Lavendar and her boyfriend, Jackson were on a break) I knew for a fact that if Lavendar would have been here, she would have definitely accepted. They were madly in love and all this break thing was all a part of Lover's fight. But now I am not letting Violeta go. So I deleted everything and blocked him.

Exactly at that moment she stepped out of the shower, looking so yummy and delectable. I pulled myself together and turned immediately. It took every ounce of self control inside me, to not go beside her and do things to her. Little did I know at that moment that, it was just the beginning of the test my self control. When she will start behaving like typical wife, preparing my favourite breakfast and then lecturing me on its importance. It felt great. Sadly, it didn't last for a long time.

Once in research center, we had to separate ways, she for the interrogation and I to the conference room. As soon as we entered the conference room, Mr. Petrakis said, "Mr. Walker, I wanted to let you know this first. Mr. Taylor has found a way, in which she could go back to her universe. What do you think?"

My brain felt numb. I couldn't think anything. Now what? I have known her for only a day, but I am already so addicted to her. Without her, I am incomplete. But can I be so selfish to not let her go back to her place? Yes. I can be. Hmm...but..."But then Mr.Petrakis why not send other 29 people" I said. "That's not possible Mr. Walker, as you know they are all old chaps, we can't take chance with them." My blood started boiling at this.

"What do you mean, can we play with Violeta's life?" I asked secretly thanking God for providing me with a excuse. "It won't be a issue with her Mr. Walker, but it seems you are reluctant. It was expected, so only I asked you." He said giving me a teasing smile. I just shrugged it off and at that moment there was a knock on the door. Ms. Hollis came in followed by Mr. Taylor and Sam. I immediately got up and gave Sam a firm handshake and he hugged me.

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