37. Family.

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Alexander's POV.

I was shocked at how put together Violeta seemed,  but I knew inside she was breaking seeing her mom and dad's look alike. And To top it all,  they were cold with her. The didn't behaved rudely but they didn't demonstrate a warn behavior either.  But they were happy about us. I remembered her beautiful words. She is so naive saying all that,  as if she has the physical  and mental strength to force me,  she is just not that type of girl. I can see clearly that she is a Gentlelady. And her promise only proves that right.

She also sort all the differences with her brother and his girlfriend  right away. Neither I not her know what actually conspired in between them but she just resolved it. They were marrying next year and she was already pregnant. I felt happy because Violeta seemed relived and I know she will be better, when she will tell all the truth to Lavender's boyfriend and friend. Earlier I thought it was not worth telling them,  but they two were her closest,  it was best if they knew, so they don't torture our peace full living.

The way after her arrival,  everything changed. My world seems beautiful. Dad is is happier and I took a vacation for the first time in more than 3 years. "Eat more." she served me another piece of Pizza and snapped me from thoughts,  I smiled and dug in. "I and your father are so proud you both decided to marry,  I hope you also sign Singularity Certificate." Smith aunt asked smiling at her. I knew there is no chance of her knowing,  so I held her hand below the table and said,  "Ofcourse aunty." I will tell her later that Singularity Certificate signing means agreeing to be in a marriage of only two people.

We started from there as a happy couple everything set to be married in just 2 days. We came back home and slept, tomorrow she is going to tell the truth to her friend and that idiot Jackson. I was not very happy by her demand that she wanted to meet them alone and that tomorrow  whole day,  I am not supposed to meet her. But I understand she need sometime alone. Plus,  I will also meet my friends and have a bash. Moreover it's only a matter of 2 days, then she will be all mine.

Sorry for the short and late update.

I promise to do better and sooner next time.

This chapter is mainly about the fact that since Lavender was not very close to her family and there were some problems, it's all settled now. But she was close with the other two...

This chapter is like the calm before the storm.

So please stay tuned. :)



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