chapter one

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This story is dedicated to my cousin. She is an elder sister to me. She is a mother, a friend, a sister. She might be well older than me in age and everything but she was always there for me. She never once looked down on me. She is kind, loving and trustworthy. She is older than me as I have said but seeing us together you will never notice because she plays with me like my friends will. She indeed is a blessing from Jehovah. lots of love

Friday 5pm

Trying to wear her glasses back on,she noticed her diary was missing
."where could it be?" She questioned herself.

Oyinda was a 29 year old lawyer who has never lost a case in her life. She was a hallmark of  intellectualism. A paragon of beauty.  She scurried through her bag but still couldn't find it. Now she was getting worried. Thinking about the things in it made her search her drawer and her closet scattering everything on the floor.
Spotting a blue coloured book,she ran towards it with the hope of it  being her diary but still wasn't it.
"This is chimera"she said

Last night at 9pm
"Susan I'm home" she called out to her roommate. Not hearing any reply she assumed Susan must be asleep so she walked gently toward her room till she heard the door creak behind her. She thought she had woken Susan up. Fortunately, the door made that sound due to the strong breeze. Smiling to herself, she left for her own room. She dropped her bag on her bed, quickly changed to her night gown because it was about to rain. She was ready to turn in for the day.
     Before going to the lalaland, she kept her phone away from her due to the BC message that was sent to her 3 years ago that sleeping with phone near your head causes brain cancer.

She got tired from looking for the diary. Now thinking about last night, she still wasn't sure if Susan came home . Ignoring that thinking, she called her personal assistance, Amber, who will still be at work by then, to check if she forgot her diary. Being busy, she had to call back in some minutes time which looked like a year to Oyinda .
"Powerful... there's so much strength in you and me, I.... "

Oyinda answered the phone eagerly. (After a few minutes passed)
The gloomy expression on her face after the call says it all. The diary was still missing.

Please don't forget to vote and comment. It means a lot. Thanks for reading.

To readers- what do you think the diary should contain? It must be something important. I need your comments please.

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