Am I a basket case or what?

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So, the name's Green. Yeah that's right, Green. No it's not a nickname. It's my parent's barely apparent sense of humour. So I'm just some weird kid. But not normal weird. Seriously weird. I'm from some weird tribe thing. Thing is, that was my mom's thing. But then my dad arrived on the scene. And scared everyone. And here we are, hiding. I just seem like some complete basket case but there we go. It's not out of choice. My dad's the basket case. I can hear him screaming at my mom. I actually hate him. Problem is I'm related to him. And my mom seems to love him. Mad woman. I might run at some point. Or I might think, 'whatever, I'll just deal'. I prefer the sound of running. I better go. I gotta go help set up for the morning rush.



"Green! Will you hurry up already?!"

"I'm here. What do you want?"

"Put the coffee on."

"Mom already did."

"Then stand there and wait for a customer to order some coffee."

I watched him start to fry food, my stomach growling. He never let me eat here for breakfast. I always had to grab something on the way to school. It wasn't fair. My dad had the rep for not only being the biggest grump in town but also the best cook. Plus Mom made up for his personality with the fact that she actually treated anyone that came in with some humanity. So I was stuck with crummy food from Andie's. Night In Venice has better food. And he knows that. So he just doesn't like me much. Jolly good. The first customer walked through the door and smiled at me. Billie. I smiled and pulled out the coffee ready for him.


"Sounds good."

"Dad? Billie wants-"

"Already done. Here."

"Here you go. You're gonna throw us off one day and order something completely bizarre."

"I'm good with not getting in your dad's bad books."

"Oh, he's not that bad. Morning Billie."

"Morning, Mrs. Day."

"I've got this covered. Go get ready for school, Green. Billie can walk with you when he's done then."



I'd soon finished my food and as usual Green hadn't appeared. I slipped off the counter and headed to the door.

"Mrs. Day, tell Green I'll be back. I just gotta go pick up my lunch."

"Sure thing, Billie."

I headed over to Neeto's Music House and walked up the back stairs.

"Morning, David. Mom up yet?"

"Nah, but Anna made your lunch before she went to work. She said come pick it up on the way to school because she made Green some too."

"Alright, I'll see you later."

I headed back to Night In Venice to find Green stood outside, kicking a stone.

"You ready to go?"

"I gotta grab my lunch from Anna so we gotta go to drop by Maria's Salon. And then we can pick you up some breakfast from Andie's and then get off to school."

"Sounds good. So when are you planning on telling everyone that you've dropped out?"

She knew she'd got me. I'd promised to say soon after I did but that was four months ago.

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