♛ Refusal and the Mentor

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"Hey, Lin, what's up?"

Lin barely had anytime to register someone had just spoken to her, she was running so fast. Her knee had stopped being a pain- literally˗ almost as if sensing that the unclaimed child needed to get to Chiron as fast as physically possible. Instead of stopping to speak to the person, she gripped their wrist and began dragging them across the fields.

"Lin Kogane, what the-"

"No time to explain, Romá!" Lin shouted with an obvious anticipation. Romá decided not to question her best friend's antics, and instead picked up her dragging feet and started running nimbly.

"Children, what is the matter? It's almost curfew," Chiron called, galloping onto the porch of the Big House. His horse hooves clopped against the wood anxiously. Another set of hooves joined the centaur, and Lin only became nervous when she saw the satyr named Grover, Percy Jackson's best friend.

"Don't ask me," Romá mumbled.

"It's, um, Percy Jackson," Lin stated quietly.

"See, I knew he was in trouble!" Grover bleated, his hands flailing in Chiron's direction. Both Lin and Romá were surprised by the camp director's calmness.

"Now, Grover, let's not jump to any conclusions." Grover became quiet, looking at the younger demigod expectantly.

"He's in trouble," the raven-haired girl blurted, squeaking with regret immediately after. Instead of standing there awkwardly in the evening breeze, she continued on. "There was this really tall guy but I couldn't really see him because there was this ash and stuff and I'm pretty sure Annabeth got hurt or something because she screamed and I think the same is for Percy because the Iris Message cut off and the feet were coming towards him and-"

"Lin, calm down," Chiron cooed, despite the fact Grover was basically fainting beside him. Even Romá, the calm and cool demigod, had become pale after learning the two strongest people in Camp Half-Blood could be injured, or worse. "Can you explain to me exactly what happened?"

Lin did as asked, too fazed to even stop herself from acting out the whole process. "And then I ran here," she finished, ceasing her breathless rambles.

"I see," he hummed. "This needs to be taken care of immediately."

"I'm going tonight," Grover offered with no hesitation. "Percy and Annabeth are my best friends, I have to save them."

"Someone should go with you."

"I can take an Apollo kid, or-"

"No, that will not be necessary," the centaur interrupted. "I believe Lin is up to the task."

"Uh, actually I'm really not," the mentioned girl cried, waving her hands to deny his words. Chiron raised an eyebrow which only accentuated his lulling gaze, and Lin felt obligated to explain herself. "I'm not really fit for... whatever you said. I mean, whoever took Percy and Annabeth, was huge. I have an injured knee and everyone who has gone on missions or quests like this before had already been claimed by their parent. I can't go."

Chiron smiled kindly. "I see what this is about. You don't believe you're worthy."

"No, it's just that-"

"That's exactly what she thinks," Romá chimed in, no hint of shame in her words. Lin groaned loudly, her voice resonating in the purple and pink hues of dusk.

"This opportunity is perfect for you," Chiron went on, not surprised his point had been proven. "It will aide in your personal quest."

My personal quest to get claimed? Lin thought, staring at the tall figure. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all.

"Okay, fine, but only if Romá can come," Lin compromised. Chiron agreed, making the daughter of Hermes cheer with excitement, and the unclaimed demigod sigh in relief.

"Take this," Chiron ordered, handing Lin a coin pouch. She frowned, confusion radiating from her body. "It is everything you will need. I suggest you leave now, so that no other campers become suspicious."

Lin nodded, quickly thanking him and sharing a glace with her two companions.

Lin then turned around, running off with Romá Rodriguez and Grover Underwood by her side.

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