Find Troy

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Her Diary

Chapter 14

Find Troy

Within an Hour the house had stacked up with a whole lot of boys dressed in Black carrying weapons of all sort.

The only ones I knew was Curtis, Rick, and Dre and they each had a metal bat in their hands.

They were only looking for one boy though!

You would think as they piled up in to my house they where going to war with the Army and what not, but no just one boy.

Isaac and Isaiah were pissed off beyond belief, they couldn't find Troy.

It had only been an Hour though since I had told them, so I figured they wouldn't find him right after I told them.

But that seem to have piss the twins off, they wanted him now and he wasn't here.

"Where the fuck is Gambit?" Isaac shouted through the house sounding angry.

I sat at the top of the stair case and just watched everyone looking mad.

They made it seem like Amaris was their sister and all of them wanted revenge. Some of the boys cracked their knuckles repeatedly breathing hard.

Amaris had cried her self to sleep not to long ago, she tried to run out the house after getting dress and telling me she had to tell Troy to hide because of the twins.

Course I told the twins, and they grabbed her putting her in her room and taking all her electronics from her so she couldn't contact that pussyhole in no shape or form.

Her room only locked from the inside and she didn't have a window you could escape from in her room, but across the hall in my room, I did, so she could easily run to my room, so Isaac made two of his boys stand in front of her door so she couldn't get any ideas and if she did manage to pas those boys he had boys outside waiting.

The crazy thing my dad was still in some weird hibernation in my room, the amount of noise going on in our living room was insane.

I could hear my phone ringing from my pocket and I took it out, looking at Zephyr's name flash on my screen I put it back in my pocket.

Dre looked up at me sitting on the stair case and shook his head. I squinted my eyes at him in confusion and Isaiah came behind him and shook his head too.

"Go Change, I see to much titty." They both seem to say at the same time and I chuckled.

"That's not your twin though Isaiah, don't let me tell Isaac you cheating on him. Saying the same thing at the same time with Dre oh gosh." I chuckled.

Dre laughed and Isaiah looked around before rolling his eyes at me making me laugh harder.

"Go Change now!" Isaiah said and I nodded.

I went in my room careful to not make any noise to wake up my dad, I didn't want him to go mad seeing the mayhem down stair those lot was doing to our home with tracking in dirt and shit, plus I didn't want to ruin the good sleep he was having since it was practically his first in months.

I took off my vest top and put on a black long sleeve thermal.

I covered my dad before walking out and turning down the thermostat to 50 degrees cause it was getting way to hot in the house with all these dudes breaths. Too many people was talking at once.

I walked down the stairs getting eyed from some of the dudes as I went in to the kitchen getting a bottle of water.

I turned around watching the boys part like the Red Sea as Isaiah and Isaac walked through them.

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