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Dream's Pov

Chapter 27


Harley didn't show up to my house the next day for the assignment.

I figured she wouldn't.

Zephyr let me know that she wasn't at school either.

I sat in my room and thought about just showing up to her house and dragging her out the house and beating an explanation out of her.

" Dream ?" Amaris called out as she knocked softly on my door and then opened it and pushed her head in through the crack looking around my room for me.

"Why aren't you in school? I asked mugging her. It was still early in the day.

"Only had one class today, I just came back home. Why haven't you gotten up to shower yet? It almost twelve!" She said as she looked me over and twisted her face in disgust.

" I'm not going anywhere, nor am I going downstairs to talk to anyone so why do I have to? If I stink I'm gonna be the only one basking in it." I said as I rolled  into the corner burring my face into a pillow.

"Get up cause I am bringing you to the market with me, Isaac gave me money to do some grocery shopping cause the fridge is running low from all those mandem they  constantly having coming in and out the house eating up all our food and shit."

" I don't want to go." I groaned.

She picked up a pillow and started hitting me with it and I yelped in pain because those blows really did hurt and it felt like she was purposely hitting me where she knew it would do damage.

" Get up now before I drag you down the stairs and you know I will." Amaris threatened.

" Ughhhhh, Fine!"  I groaned getting up and grabbing my towel and headed to the bathroom rubbing my shoulder as I screwed her.

As soon as I undressed and stepped in the shower and turned on the shower, everything stung as the hot water hit my skin. I backed out of the water and sighed, never get use to that part. The lathering of soap on my freshly cut skin burned and I went back under the water to quickly rinse myself off. I finished cleaning myself and got out the water and nearly almost busted my ass  and caught myself by the shower curtains.

" Fucking  water all over the damn floor what the fuck is wrong with you, stupid dumb ass water, could have killed me." I mumbled under my breath as I wrapped  my towel around myself and went back into my room.

I looked out my window to see the clouds getting a bit dark, looks like it wasn't gonna be one of the nice weathers we've been having as of late.

I threw on some red robin jeans and a black tank, and slipped on my black timbs that where by my room door. I grabbed my black Nike jacket and put it on and went in search of Amaris.

" First of all, whom is it that you are going to fight? Dressed as if you are going to battle. " Amaris said looking up at me as she walked up the stairs.

"You for making me get  out of bed, I'm not changing so are we going or not ?" I said and she    pushed my head.

Verses her  Pink skater dress, patterned tights, and doc martin boots , I did look like I was dressed to get in to some mess. The thing about Amaris though she was always trying to dress to impress. Lord knows who, but she says "you never know who you'll see in the streets that can get you ahead in life, and alot of people look at how you dressed first above all other things." I'm sure she got that saying off the telly when we where younger and its been stuck in her head since.

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