Where did we go

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Everybody got to class that day to their surprise Miss.Skullnick left a letter for a substitute but there was no sub. so the students once again separated in their cliques. Star started talking to Marco about the Jocks.
            Star: "The football players were just throwing the football around, The cheerleaders were doing a cheer-a-mid. I didn't even know they were cheer-a-mids. I thought there was only pyramids. Everybody else was just talking about life or gossip an..."
Star was suddenly interrupted.
          Marco: "Star I don't care that you made more friends. I m worried about you leaving me alone after we said we were going to stick together.
         Star: "Oh,Marco don't worry I..."
         Justin: "Hey Star come hang with us and leave Safe Kid alone with the nerds."
Star looked at Justin then back to Marco.
        Star: "I'm sorry Marco." Star got up and walked towards Justin and everybody in the group. Brittney didn't look so pleased she turn to Sabrina.
            Brittney: "Look what you did! You jinx it." Brittney pushed Sabrina out of angry which caused her to fall and twist her wrist. Everyone turn and looked at Sabrina on the ground and then up to Brittney.
            Brittney: "She's ok. She's just a klutz it's whatever." The bell rang for lunch and everyone left the class to get lunch. Chantal and Brittney walked Sabrina to the nurse's office & left her there. Brittney went to get lunch to calm down.
Meanwhile Star was having a conversation with Justin about this whole clique thing.
            Star: "So since when had this clique thing started?"
           Justin: "Brittney told everyone that we should start hanging with people who meet our standards so she separated us." He stuffed his face with food and almost choked. Star helped him out and laughed. Brittney looked at Star with a cold stare.
            Star: "Well thank you for explaining it to me."
            Justin: "No, thank you Princess for saving me from FOOD." He laughed and to be polite gave Star a kiss on her palm. Star walked away to look for Marco.
            Star: "That kiss was weird,maybe that's how they do it on Earth." Brittney couldn't stand to see Star with Justin. She went up to Francis and told him to start a food fight and if he aimed for Star he could get anything he wanted.
             Francis: "Anything?"
             Brittney: "Yes, anything so are you in or what?"
             Francis: "Ok, I'm in." Brittney walked away and let everything begin as planed. Francis started the food fight but he wanted to satisfy Brittney that when everyone was throwing food he went behind Marco and threw food at Star but what he didn't know was he hit Star's wand which caused it to stop working.
             Star: "YOU STUPID NERD!!" Everyone got silent and stopped throwing food.
              Marco: "I didn't do it, but let me help you clean it off!"
              Star: "Yes, you did do it , it came from your direction!" Star cleaned her wand and tried to power it up.
               Marco: "Are you calling me a liar?"
                Ferguson: "Well she ain't calling you a truther." Everyone chuckled a little. But Marco was angry and confused.
                Marco: "SHUT UP FERGUSON!"
                Star: "No you shut up Marco." Star's wand started to glow pink then green.It had started to float and with a green and pink laser it shot the Principal office. Principal Skeeves came to see who's responsible for the mess and the laser.
            Principal Skeeves: "Who's responsible for this mess?"
            Brittney: "Obviously the girl with magic and the karate freak." Everyone looked at Brittney and shaked their heads in disappointment. Principal Skeeves sent Star and Marco to Detention, the bell rang and everybody left to class.
                Marco: "Star I'm sorry I didn't do it though. Why would I lie to my best friend."
                 Star: "I'm sorry too Marco it's just..."
                 Marco: "It's the cliques we're both in them.
                 Star: "Then I guess we REALLY need to stick together this time." Star and Marco apologized to each other after that the bell rang they both left home. They didn't really talk at home about the situation.

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