One together

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Jackie and Star met in the cafeteria and got everyone to hang out there. Justin and Marco went to play football with some people from both cliques. Their plan was working so far until Brittney arrived.
                  Brittney: "WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE!" She sees Marco and Justin together.
                Brittney: "You shouldn't even be hanging out with him."
She gets Justin and the rest of the jocks, then she heads to the cafeteria where she sees Star with all the cliques mixed.
                   Brittney: "STAR BUTTERFLY YOU MESS UP EVERYTHING!!!" Everyone starts to scatter around to their cliques.
                   Star: "I was just trying to help everyone so they can be happy."
                   Brittney: "Your irrelevant and mind your own business,stealing my man an-..." The bell rings and everyone went to class. Miss.Skullnick was still sick so no teacher or sub. today. Everybody once again went to their cliques,but Star was so confused it didn't work.
                      Star: " I don't get it Marco, how did it not work, and how am I stealing her man?"
                     Marco: "Well I guess because you been talkirng to Justin."
                     Star: " but you know I don't like him. I like Oskar😍"
                    Marco: "I know that Star but she doesn't."
The day went by and Star seemed to be running out of plans. That afternoon Brittney was making a plan to keep the cliques but she didn't know how. She went for a swim in her pool. She called Chantal and Sabrina to join her while they made a plan. Since Sabrina had a cast on her wrist she didn't swim but just got a little sun tan.
                   Brittney: "When was the last time everyone gave me attention?"
                  Chantal: "Last time on your birthday."
                  Brittney: "Great... I m throwing another birthday party." Sabrina and Chantal exchanged looks while Brittney smirked. Her Birthday was scheduled for Saturday. The week went by fast and on Friday before school ended she handed out balloons. Marco,Justin,Jackie & Star wanted to go but they knew their was a catch to it.
                   Brittney: "Okay everyone pop your balloons!" Everyone started popping the balloons,once they were pop they were able to see if they were invited if the balloon had their cliques name on it. Everyone was invited even Marco and Star.
                        Jackie: "I knew there was a catch to this." She threw her balloon stick to the ground,so did Star,Justin, & Marco. They all went home. When Jackie got home her mom was very sick. Her mom was a caterer and she needed to finish a supplies for a customer.
                  Jackie's mom: "I need to finish."
                 Jackie: "No mom go to sleep I'll wake you up."
                 Jackie's mom: "ok but wake me up in 30 mins." Jackie called Star,Marco and Justin for a sleep over so they can help her do her mom's cooking.The next morning they all started making the cakes,cookies, & donuts once they were finish Jackie's mom had waken up and was on the phone.
                  Jackie's mom: "JACKIE-LYNN THOMAS! I told you to wak- Oh my who did all this?"
                Justin: "We did ma'am "
                Jackie's mom: "You guys are angels."
               Marco: "We know." He gets a donut and puts it over his head like an angel halo. Everybody smiled. Suddenly Jackie's mom gets bad news thru the phone.
                  Jackie's mom: "My server's can't make it to the party and I don't know where to get some last minute."
               Star: "We'll do it"
                Jackie's mom: "Are you sure? This is Brittney Wong birthday party." Everyone gasped and agree to go it." That night everyone arrived to her birthday party and Brittney made sure it was all about her once she saw who her servants were. Justin and Marco had suddenly made a plan and told the girls about the plan but Chantal had over heard them and told Brittney. Brittney knew exactly what to do. She went up stage and called for everyone's attention.
                     Brittney: "I want to invite one of my best friends up stage with me." Sabrina and Chantal got up smiling.
                      Chantal: "I can't believe she's letting me go up."
                        Brittney: "Star Butterfly." Everybody started  clapping and cheering for her. Star smiled and went up.
                     Brittney: "Well Star how does it feel to take another girls guy or always show off with  your magic when your not needed."
             Star: "No it's not like that I have a crush on OSKAR!! And about my magic you can keep hating because it doesn't matter who we are we can hang out with anyone even if they don't meet our standards."
The lights shined on Marco,Jackie & Justin
             Everybody:"IT'S NOT CRIMINAL TO BE AN INDIVIDUAL!" Everybody stared to hang with everyone they wanted even if they were out their clique & Brittney accepted.

Or did she?....

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