Chapter 8

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I'm not going to update every day anymore. I think I'll update on Saturdays and Sundays. I'm starting to get a bit of writer's block and I'm not entirely sure where I want this story to go so suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Anyway, on with the story!

She couldn't do it. She couldn't tell Fitz she liked him. How would he react? What if they couldn't be friends anymore? She couldn't let a stupid crush ruin their friendship. No. She couldn't tell him. She frantically thought of something else to say instead.


It needed to be something believably huge, without actually being her biggest secret.

I... know who Biana likes. But it's not my secret to share.

Fitz looked at her, disappointed. Obviously he could tell that wasn't what she had been planning to say, but he wasn't going to push it. He sighed and passed the book back to her for more trust exercises. Eventually, they wouldn't be able to be Cognates if she kept holding back her secret. But, she wasn't ready. Not yet.

After a bit more awkward Cognate training, they joined the rest of the group downstairs in Everglen's expansive kitchen. Edaline, Alden, Della, Tiergan, Juline, and Amy were there in addition to the seven teenagers.

Tiergan started the conversation by saying, "I know many of you are frustrated with the lack of progress we seem to be making. And I agree, I wish we could be doing more, but much careful planning is needed before we make any moves. In case you don't know, we had Grady investigating and following the Neverseen, but he was caught and arrested by the Council."

Anxious murmurs and whispers flooded the room as disbelieving questions left everyone's lips. Tiergan tried to answer them, but too much was unknown about the situation. "Until he is with us once again, not much can be done. However, the rest of the Collective and I have discussed, and we have decided that we should explain more about the Lost Cities to Amy." He smiled at her.

"I'm sure you have noticed very much in the past few days, and we are here to offer explanations for most of your questions," Alden explained. Evidently the Collective had discussed with him too. "Firstly, we are not humans. We are elves. Most elves have an ability, sometimes more"– he smiled at Sophie– "and we all have skills."

"Sophie has multiple abilities?" Amy asked, not missing Alden's smile.

"Foster has five," Keefe put in, draping his arm around her shoulders. Biana shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Sophie shrugged off his arm and explained, "I'm a Telepath, Inflictor, Polygot, Teleporter, and Enhancer."

Amy shot her a questioning glance. "Telepaths can hear thoughts, Inflictors can make people feel certain emotions, Polygots can understand and speak any language, Teleporters can teleport to most locations, and Enhancers can enhance the abilities of others."

"What abilities does everyone else have?"

"I'm a Telepath," Fitz replied. "So are Tiergan and Alden."

Everyone else introduced their abilities and explained what they were. Della excused herself to answer the door while the rest of the group explained light leaping. She returned with Councillor Oralie behind her.

Sorry, I know this chapter wasn't super interesting. Like I said, I'm having a bit of writer's block. Hopefully the next chapter with Oralie will introduce some more plot points and make it easier to write. Anyway, I'll be back on Saturday with the new chapter!

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