Chapter 11

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So I'm writing another story, Pulse. The prologue is coming tomorrow. I'm going to update this story on Saturdays and Pulse on Sundays. Okay, enjoy!

Excited murmurs flooded the room. It felt good to finally be doing something that felt productive.

"What's the plan?" Sophie asked.

Tiergan explained that tomorrow night they would perform the rescue. Della, Blur, and Wraith had already snuck into the prison to get a better idea of the floor plan. "It was easier to get into than Exile because the criminals aren't as dangerous," Wraith said. Sophie flinched at the word "criminals." She couldn't believe her own father was arrested and considered a criminal.

"The locks are much less complex than the ones in Exile, so Mr. Dizznee should have no trouble opening it," Blur continued.

"Biana, Della, and I will sneak in first while invisible. We will give a signal to you when it is ready for you to come in. Then we will create a distraction, similar to the one we created in Exile," Wraith said.

"Then, Tiergan, Sophie, Fitz, and Dex will enter. Sophie will have to find Grady's cell, but we do know the general area, and the thoughts won't be nearly as overwhelming as before," Della explained.

Sophie shuddered as she remembered sifting through the thoughts of insane murderers to find Prentice.

"The rest of us will keep guard and create additional distractions as necessary," Juline added. "Sandor, you will have to stay at Havenfield with Amy. We cannot risk the Council finding her."

"I go where Miss Foster goes. Miss Sophie Foster," he clarified. "I must stay with my charge."

"I understand your feelings, but Amy needs you more than Sophie. Plus, we need as small a group as we can to successfully sneak past the Council's defenses," Juline said.

Sandor grudgingly agreed, and with that, the plan was settled.

The rest of the day and most of the next was occupied with restless waiting. Their group of eight played more games of Base Quest and told Amy more about the Lost Cities. In the afternoon, they had gotten bored of these games, so they decided to play Truth or Dare. This time Fitz agreed with no protest.

"We should pick up right where we left off," Fitz said, grinning.

Sophie groaned. Fitz looked at her apologetically.

I just... I can feel the trust slipping away. You know that eventually this won't let us be Cognates, but I think that might happen sooner than you think. I... don't want to lose the connection we have.

Sophie pursed her lips guiltily. She didn't want to lose their connection either, but she couldn't...

She had to. She steeled her nerves and transmitted, I...

Fitz smiled encouragingly. On the count of three?

Sophie nodded.




I like you.

Keefe cleared his throat. "Geez, Foster. Everything okay?"

She nodded. Fitz remained silent as he stared at his hands. She excused herself. While she wandered the hallways of Everglen, she ran into Juline. "Everything okay, dear?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Sophie reassured her. "Are we almost ready for the rescue?"

"Yes, almost. The Collective is here to meet before we all go out."

"Okay, see you soon." Sophie wandered throughout the hallways again. After ten or so more minutes, the Collective called everyone into the kitchen to get ready. Sophie stayed as far from Fitz as she could. She knew she was going to need to be near him during the rescue, but she wanted to spend as little time with him as possible after she embarrassed herself in Truth or Dare.

Tiergan finished recapping the plan, and the rather large group set out for Lumenaria.

Wow! Ok, so I didn't want to put too much romance etc. in the story because I wanted to write about other things as well, but I couldn't help myself (not just with Fitz but also with Keefe in the other chapters). :)

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