False Pretenses

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I bolted into a room down the sinister corridor that had been left ajar to find Edgar standing over Genevieve who must had fallen to the ground, steeling herself once more after the shock of running into Edgar. He wore an angry expression on his face, one of only a few I had seen in the hours I had been locked in that mad house.

"Edgar, just calm down..." I tried to be soothing, so he would not feel compelled to turn his wrath upon anyone else now occupying the room.

Now it was truly time to see if staying up to watch all of those late night crime dramas were of any use. I took two steps towards the now frightened butler.

A mixture of fear, maybe even regret, flashed across his face now. Edgar stood his ground shakily, clasping his hands together, allowing Genevieve to move away from the unpredictable butler.

"Carlton! He's your servant! Keep him in line!" Bartholomew spat, speaking of Edgar as if he were nothing more than a pet.

Carlton took a step towards his long time companion.

"Edgar... Why would you do this to these people? Why would you do this to me? You of all people knew how important this night was to me." Carlton asked pleadingly, heartbreak in his voice, likely from the discovery that his best friend was a murderer.

Edgar's usually vacant face was now filled with emotion. Carlton must have gotten through to him. He only stood in place, staring down at his clasped hands.

After a few beats, he reached into his pocket, pulling out a piece of notebook paper, and handed it to me. He motioned for me to read aloud.

I placed my monocle over my eye, cleared my throat, and began to read the note which had been written in red ink with shaky hands.

"Dearest Carlton,

At the time of my writing this, your guest of the name Evangeline has died. I admit that it was my doing. I confess to the murders of all of your guests. I am sorry, but it had to be done. All of those people... They were going to replace me. I was going to be kicked to the curb, for you would no longer need my company and I am not as much a help as I once was. I can't have that happen to me... I have nowhere left to go, this has been my entire life.

I am terribly sorry. I know how much you had been looking forward to the party, but I couldn't handle the knowledge of being completely useless. Being your best friend and caretaker has been the only thing I've ever known and I intend to remain dedicated for the rest of my days. I promised your parents to keep an eye on you and to ensure you do not self destruct or destroy humanity as it is known. They basically told me to keep you locked away and safe from the outside world.

In hindsight, maybe I could have found a more civil way to deal with this... But what's done is done and I have no regrets. Well, maybe a few.
Or many... I'm not to fond of butchering innocent human beings.

I understand and am accepting of whatever consequences I may face. I'm sorry dearest friend.

- Edgar"

By the end of the letter, I was in tears. As were the rest of the guests. Even Bartholomew used his pocket square as a handkerchief. Edgar's actions were inexcusable and horrifying of course, but he sure knew how to tug at the heart strings with an emotional letter.

"Edgar, why didn't you tell me you felt this way? Or... Try to communicate in some other form? Like another beautiful letter?" Carlton asked.

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