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Everyone pulled out their chair, even pubert, though he was jumping up and down, waited for lydia to take a seat in any one, "Go on lydia take your pick, you are our guest after all" gomez said as he smiled. she thought for a second but automatically chose Wednesday's offer, Wednesday said nothing as she slowly pushed lydia in for her. "Thank you Wednesday" lydia said as he looked up at her, she nodded and waited for everyone to be seated so she could sit as well, but pubert beat her to the chair sat next to lydia, she growled at her little brother under her breath but he heard her and he gave her a sheepish smile, Wednesday decided to sit next to pugsley instead of kicking her little brother out of her spot.

Then who was supposed to be their grandmother and morticas mother came through with a huge pot of soup bubbling at the top. Smelling just as soup was expected to, but grully looking as it hit their bowls.

"Bubble boil nice and Hot, come and get it ready or not!" laughing as she chanted

everyone seemed amused as they all chuckled save for Wednesday because she usually doesn't.

"Well who might this lovely creature be?" grandmama asked smiling at lydia

"This is lydia Deetz mama" mortica said smirking

"huh, welcome! and might i say I love your hair dear, brings out the death in the whole house"

Now to lydia, that is a compliment.

"why thank you..uh, grandmama"

"anytime darling" she said winking

"soo lydia, you're starting school with us???" pugsley asked

Lydia thought pugsleys question over.

"um, yes I am, I start tomorrow morning actually" she said as she was picking at her food

"Cool! so you'll be walking with us right??" pubert asked hopefully

"Yeah sure, I mean if you guys want me to" she said as she glanced at Wednesday

"of course" Wednesday nodded

suddenly the kitchen doors swung open, by fester who is covered in soot and powder from the explosives he's been working on out in the backyard

"Hello fester, I see that you're finally ready to join us hm?" mortica said smirking.

"ah yes, minor set backs from the powder in the explosives, but not a problem" he said as he sat down on the left side next to gomez.

he looked up to see lydia sitting across from him.

"Oh, hello again lydia!, I didn't know you were joining us for dinner tonight, thought you would've been scared off by now" he winked as he laughed

lydia shrugged and giggled "nothing really scares me, it's honestly nice finally fitting in for once" she said as she glanced at Wednesday again..(Hehe)

Wednesday honestly couldn't keep her eyes off the girl either but she tried minding her own as she ate.

"Aw, well we are very pleased that you feel that way lydia, we would always welcome you with open arms" Gomez said as he reached for her hand and patted it.

"yeah we're not like most of the jerks here anyways" pugsley said as he reached for his cup

"Can't be wrong about that" Wednesday mumbled as she wiped her mouth

"nope!" pubert added agreeing

"Well family, I am gonna go down into the cellar and feed lurch his dinner!" grandmama announced

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