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☼ five ☼

Gabe is out of the water and following our dad into the house like a shadow before my brain can even process what is happening. One minute I'm in the midst of a game of Marco Polo and the next minute my brain is consumed with thoughts of my father.

Madison swims closer to me, nudging my shoulder and successfully gaining my attention. "Go," she mumbles, gesturing to the house. Madison and I share a knowing stare, leaving Sam to tread water awkwardly next to me. He glances between us, and I meet his eyes. He offers me a weak smile.

I take a few strokes until I reach the dock where I climb out of the water and cross my arms in an attempt to maintain my body heat. For some reason I'm cold; the water droplets on my skin cool my body temperature and the rays from the sun don't seem to be helping whatsoever.

"I'm gonna head home," Madison says, pulling herself out of the lake and returning to her chair around our fire pit to gather her belongings.

Sam looks at me as he stands beside me. "I'll do the same."

I nod at both of them. "Sorry," I explain. "I didn't expect him to show up."

"Don't worry about it," Sam assures.

Madison agrees with Sam. "Just get in there before they start World War Three."

I give them each a quick hug before jogging up the stairs to the deck, grabbing a towel from the basket by the door, and heading inside. I enter the house to be met with an awkward silence. I glance around what I can see of the kitchen, dining room, and family room, but there's no sign of my family members.

I wrap the towel around my shoulders and turn to shut the door behind me. Upon hearing the sound, Bella scrambles into the room and slams against my leg.

"Hey, girl." I pet her head gently, running my fingers across her fur. I avert my eyes and notice the pizzas resting on the kitchen island.

The eerie silence worries me, but it's broken by the sound of something falling and impacting the hardwood floor upstairs.

It's silent again, but muffled yelling sounds follow it.


The shouts fade into rushed footsteps down the stairs, and my dad lands in my sight. "Aren't your friends going to stay?" he asks. I shake my head.

No way I'd drag them into this environment.

"Hm, that's unfortunate."

He lifts the lid of the pizza box on top and inhales deeply.

"Ahh. Nothing like a fresh pizza." I ignore my dad's comment, trading my wet towel for a hoodie of mine hanging on a chair.

I hear thundering footsteps coming down the stairs once again and I look at Gabe. His face is red, and I can tell he was angry and yelling. He tries to offer me a smile, but I can see right through it.

I frown.

"Well guys, eat up!"

Our dad shovels several slices onto his plate and grabs a beer from the fridge before disappearing into the game room.

Gabe and I look at each other, and I notice he's changed out of his swimsuit. He hands me a pair of my basketball shorts. I thank him and slip them on.

We slowly load one slice of pizza onto each of our plates, neither of us daring to speak. "He's nuts," Gabe mumbles over my shoulder as I search the fridge for a bottle of iced tea. He reaches over me to grab a Pepsi. "He's fucking nuts, I swear."

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