Chapter One

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"Hey, Mira? Can I have another?" I ask as I shake my glass, making the ice clink against the sides.

"One Sprite, coming right up!" Mira reaches under the counter and pulls out a cup and sets in on the counter before turning around and grabbing a two liter of Sprite out of the fridge and setting it next to the cup. She reaches under the counter again and I hear the sound of ice. I watch as she dumps a few ice cubes in the cup and pours the Sprite over them, causing it to fizz. She slides it to me and I grab it, slurping it all down.

"Ahhh! Thanks! I've been craving some of this for a while," I say as Mira takes the empty glass out of my hand and grabs the one off the counter and puts them in the sink.

"I didn't even know we had Soda," Cana says as she sets down an empty keg and picks up a full one.

"What bar doesn't have soda?" Lucy asks as she slides onto the stool to my left.

Cana raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Lucy looks shocked. "Have you never heard of mixed drinks?"

"What are those?" Cana sets down her keg and looks at Lucy intently.

"I don't see how someone who drinks like you doesn't know about mixed drinks! A mixed drink is an alcoholic beverage mixed with another liquid, usually fruit or soda." Lucy explains.

Cana looks dumbstruck. "Who would want to dilute their alcohol?" She asks, suddenly losing interest and picking up her keg and drinking heavily from it.

"You want any?" I ask, turning to face Lucy.

"No thank you. I don't need Happy making any more comments about my weight." She says, narrowing her eyes as she stares off in front of her at nothing in particular.

"If you had a vigorous exercise routine like me, you wouldn't need to worry about your figure," Erza informs Lucy as she and Gray walk up behind us.

"What you do isn't exercise, it's manual labor," Lucy retorts as we spin to face them, my forearms resting on the counter behind me.

"And look at what it's done for me," Erza says as she flexes her muscles and lifts her shirt to show her toned belly.

"I don't work out and I'm still in great shape!" I yell, rubbing my tummy.

Gray scoffs. "Somehow, despite all the food you eat,"

"Hey! I can't go kicking butt on an empty stomach!"

"Trust us. We've tried it," Lucy says as she shivers.

My belly rumbles. "Speaking of food! I'm starving! Anybody have any money? I'm broke."

"Seriously!? How do you never have any money?!" Lucy asks as she shakes me violently, causing me to get sick.

"I can't help it," I whine as I cover my mouth, trying to keep from barfing. Lucy stops shaking me and gives me a dirty look.

"Here. This should be enough for a decent meal," she says handing me 1,500 Jewels. "I expect you to pay me back!" She informs me.

"Yeah... I will." I say as I drool, imagining the kinds of food I could buy.

"You know, you would save money if you started cooking more and eating out less," Lucy informs me.

"I don't know how to cook," I say as I stand up and head for the Guild doors.

"I could teach you!" Erza exclaims, causing me to stop and look at her. "I'm a master chef!" Erza requips into a chef outfit and twirls her knife looking completely serious.

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