Chapter Three

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I hear shuffling behind the bar and raise my head, rubbing the spot my forehead had been resting on the counter. Mira had her back to me as she was making something. "Hey, Mira?" I ask, trying to get her attention. "Can you make me something strong? I've had a rough day."

"Sure!" She says happily, turning around and revealing a black eye.

"OH MY GOD! WHAT HAPPENED?!?!" I shout, grabbing her face and catching everyone's attention in the Guild hall.

"Oh, nothing," Mira says dismissively, waving her hand.

I let go and cross my arms, narrowing my eyes at her. "Speak," I demand.

"Well, if you must know. I obtained this beauty in exchange for a juicy piece of information. Factual. Juicy. HOT. information," Mira says, wiggling her eyebrows and moving in closer to me with a creepy look.

"What information is worth getting beat up over?!" Mira is psycho! No way gossip is that important!

"The kind that lets you know who Natsu likes," Mira says with a wink as she walks her fingers up my arm, sending shivers through my body.

"Nuh-uh! No way. I'm not going through that again!" I yell, yanking my arm away and cradling it protectively.

"It's not you. And I know for a fact this time."

I'm suddenly intrigued and lean in." So if it's not me, then who is it."

"Promise not to tell?" Mira asks seriously. I nod my head furiously. I must know! "Okay. It's Gray." ............................................... "Are you going to say something?" Mira asks.

I just start laughing hysterically and pound my fist on the table. I reach up and wipe a tear out of my eye as I start to calm down. Mira doesn't look as amused as I am by her joke. In fact, she looks totally serious. "That was a joke, right?"

"Nope," she states plainly.

"Oh come on! How could you possibly know that?"

"How do you think I got a black eye?" Mira asks, raising her eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" I ask, even more puzzled.

"Let's just say that you don't want to be giving Gray any love when Natsu's around," Mira giggles.

"Wait. Are you saying Natsu did this to you?!" I yell, anger building inside me. When I get my hands on him...

"Only because I gave Gray a kiss on the cheek."

"That's no exc-"

"YOU DID WHAT TO GRAY-SAMA?!?" Juvia bellows, cutting me off.

Mira turns to Juvia, both hands on her hips and a furious look on her face. "Gray already told you he's not interested. Now move on!"

"Woah, Mira. No need to be so harsh..." I say, trying to diffuse the situation.

"No Lucy. Me must protect our ship." Mira says with dreamy look on her face.

"Our ship? What does th-"

"JUVIA WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS!!" Juvia launches herself at Mira.

"Oh, to hell with it," Mira says calmly as she transforms into her beast form and launches herself at the oncoming Juvia. I don't want to be around during this so I book it out of there like there's no tomorrow and head home. I hope there's a Guild to come back to tomorrow. I think as I open my front door and walk in, dropping my stuff on the floor. I start walking to my bedroom but stop when I hear muffled yelling and the sound of running water. I groan and walk through my room and fling the bathroom door open to find Natsu and Gray in my shower fighting over a bar of soap

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