Chapter Two

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"Ugggg. That was filling!" Natsu exclaims as he rubs his now overfilled stomach.

"How can you stand to stuff yourself like that all the time?" I ask in disgust, picking up my water and taking a sip.

Natsu burps loudly without covering his mouth. "It just feels good, you know?"

"You're checks," Hamon says, slapping to pieces of paper in front of me and Natsu.

I pick up the slip in front of me and check the price which is 1200 Jewels. I reach into my pocket and pull out the money plus an extra three hundred and lay it on the table and stand up. Natsu lays his money on the table and stands and follows me towards the door.

"Thanks Hamon! I'll see you soon!" Natsu yells towards the kitchen.

A hand pops out from behind a door and waves at us. "See ya, Natsu! Take care!"

We step out the door and stop under the awning. "Uh... Did you know it was going to rain?" Natsu asks me.

I sigh. "No." I walk out into the rain and start heading for the Guild.

"Wait! Can't you make me an umbrella or something!?" Natsu shouts.

"A little rain never killed anybody," I tell him, slightly annoyed.

"Doesn't mean I want to get soaked!" He yells louder as he starts to stomp his feet. I don't want to deal with this. I pinch my brow in annoyance and walk back to Natsu and make him an umbrella out of ice.

"Here," I say plainly, handing him the umbrella and stomping away without waiting.

"What's got you in such a bad mood?" Natsu asks when he catches up to me.


"No, something has you bothered," Natsu says, a quizzical look on his face.

"I'm fine," I say, starting to get really annoyed at his persistence.

"No you're not. You can tell me."

"I said I'm fine!" I yell, walking faster to get away. So what if something is bothering me! If I don't want to tell you, then I don't want to tell you! Why does he have to pester me? It only makes me more angry. Why doesn't he get that!

"Sorry. I didn't mean to make you angry," Natsu says, an innocent look on his face.

I sigh. "It's not your fault. I think I'm just going to head home though."

"What? Why?"

"I'm feeling kind of tired." Truthfully, I'm tired of arguing with Natsu and it's giving me a headache.

Natsu gives me a worried look. "Are you sure? Want me to walk you home?"

"No, I'm good. Have a good night," I say to Natsu as I walk away towards my house. I walk quickly and with my eyes half closed, trying to keep the sun out of my eyes as it makes my head pound harder. When I reach my house I quickly unlock the door and walk in, kicking off my shoes and stripping. I check the thermostat and turn it down to 30 degrees Fahrenheit before collapsing onto my couch and passing out.

Something tickles my nose and I swat it away. It tickles my nose again and I try swatting it away again. Again, something tickles my nose, but this time I grab it and open my eyes. I find myself holding a finger and follow the arm it's attached to back to their person it belongs to. What I find is kinda puzzling until I realize I'm on my back with my head hanging over the side of the couch. Natsu's puzzled face is nearly in mine as he's staring at me intently.

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