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After I stopped crying, Andy sat me back on my chair and went back to making lunch.

"May I ask what that was all about?" He never turned around to look at me.

"It's just the fact that I got this text and I just can't deal with what it said." I sniffled, but held back the tears.

"Let me see that." He grabbed my phone.

"What the hell?" He mutter to himself. I totally forgot that he was my screen saver. Oops.

"The password is 1235." He typed in, and read the text.

"What the hell is this all about?" He looked at me, his eyes filled with anger.

"He's my ex and how it ended, and what he did." I wiped away the tears. "Now he wants me dead." Andy looked at me confused.

"So he wants you dead cause you left him?" I smiled at his cluelessness.

"No. He wants me dead cause I left him for another guy, Tristin, but when Tristin was killed, Nathan tried to comfort me, but all I did was push him away." I couldn't help it anymore tears flowed freely down my cheeks. I didn't want Andy to see me like this, so I ran outside, and into the woods. I stopped when the house was no longer in sight. I lit a cigarette, and walked down the path to my old hideout. To my surprise. it was still standing, and it was still sturdy. I climbed the tree, and sat on the ledge.

I sat there for so long, and it started to get dark. I decided to go back, and get some rest. I walked into the door, and my mouth flew open. On the couch was Andy, sucking some girl's face off, probably his girlfriend. Andy looked up at me, and was about to say something. I put my hand up. I didn't want any excuses. I just walked up to my room, and flopped down on my bed. Damn what a fun day. I drifted somewhere far away, happily making an escape. I woke up to birds singing. I threw my hair up in a tight high bun, and slowly made my way downstairs.

"Kayla let me explain." Andy said the second I walked into the living room. I acted totally oblivious to him, and just flipped through channels on the tv. Andy stood in front of it. I shrugged, and put in my ear buds blasting my music. Andy made a move to grab my phone, so I simply tucked it into my bra. Without making eye contact with him, I went into the kitchen, and grabbed a beer, and headed out to the front porch. Yes I know I'm underage, but I could handle drinking, and it was only one. It wasn't my favorite brand, but it would do. Andy came out, and sat next to me. I shifted away. As far as I could on the little porch swing. He looked down.

"Please Kayla you don't understand." I shook my head. I lowered the volume of my music.

"There's nothing to understand. You had your girlfriend over. Why would I care?" He had a pained look in his eye.

"Because I didn't kiss her she kissed me. I broke up with her, and she tried to change my mind, but she didn't. I want you to know that." His voice was lower, sadder, than usual.

"Oh." That was all I could say.

"Yea, and I just don't want thing to be awkward between us."

"They won't I promise." I gave him a small grin, but his was lit up. Before I knew it I was wrapped in his strong arms, and my arms were around him. After a few moments he let go. we sat in a comfortable silence for a little then he, without warning, picked me up and started running.

"Don't you dare throw me in there!" I screamed, after I realize he was headed towards the pond. Sadly for me, it was to late. My body came in contact with the bitter cold water. I kicked furiously to the top. When I finished gasping for air I saw Andy sitting happily on the banks.

"Listen you mother fucker, if we are gonna get along you can't do thy shit. Got it?" I was so pissed off at him these were my favorite clothes. I climbed out, and made my way inside. Luckily my phone was on the swing still. I scoped it up. I realized Andy was coming after me, so I ran upstairs and locked my door. I heard him bang on the door for a little while, then mutter something I couldn't quite hear, then walk off. I changed, and put my messy wet hair up in a ponytail. I unlocked my door, and with caution stepped out into the hall way. I heard a stifling cry coming from god knows where. I followed the sound, and ended up in the basement, which was like a man cave for my uncle. I flicked on the lights, and there in the middle of the floor sat Andy. In tears. I sat down next to him, as close as I could.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you mad. To me it was all in fun. Honest." He never looked up. It hurt me to see him like this, and I didn't know why.

"I know. Andy it's just I...." I stumbled my words, trying to find the right ones.

"It's just what?" He looked up at me. blood shot eyes, and tears stained cheeks.

"I-I don't know any-anymore." I was almost in tears. he wrapped his arm around me.

"Everything's gonna be okay." He kissed the top of my head. We sat there for a while, like this. Then he looked down at me.

His lips met mine, and it was like nothing else mattered. All I felt was fireworks going off inside.

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