Out of the hospital and off to the airport

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I just stood there in utile shock. Did she really just die. I could feel the guys pull me out in to the hall. I did nothing in protest. My body was numb in pain. Nothing and I mean nothing could make me feel okay.

I don't remember how long I was in that little room. Seconds? Minutes? Hours? Days? Weeks? I don't know and I don't think I ever will. It's not like it would matter now. It's all over and done with.

"Hey dude......." Jake said as they entered the little room. They say down around me a confused look smeared onto her faces.

"What wrong? She didn't make did she?" Tears started to form in my eyes. They all looked shocked.

"No way you got it all wrong!" CC practically screamed for the whole hospital to hear. I just stared at them.

"She just got out you've been in this room...." I didn't need to hear anymore I dashed to Kayla's room to see her standing there in the clothes she had been wearing when she flipped her car, but they had since then been washed and dried. She looked at me and her smile faded. She pushed past me, with tears streaming down my face.


I was on the next plane to Maine. My cousin Julie had a cottage by the bay there. I was welcomed with a hug from her.

"Oh Kayla it's so good to have you here." She exclaimed as soon as I was settled in.

"It's great to be here. I missed this so much." We made our way down to the kitchen. She made me some home made stew for lunch.

When we finished, I excused my self, and went out to take a walk by the water. I really needed to clear my head of all thoughts. I hated just leaving like that, but if I forgave Andy he would have probably done the same thing again. If that happened I would make sure I was dead.

I was sitting by the water's edge, letting the water lap against my bare feet. I cried for a long time. I wanted Andy back, but I knew he would never love a freak like me. I don't blame even I hate myself. I looked at my reflection.

"Look at yourself Kayla. Your ugly. Your fat. You have cuts and scars. Your a freak." I through a rock at the water "I am fucking worthless." I whispered the last part to myself. After to watching the sun set over the mountains I head back.

Julie was already asleep. I didn't wanna talk to anyone anyways I crept silently up to my room. I didn't bother with changing I just climbed into the cozy bed. The darkness consumed me as soon as my eyes closed.


All I could see was blackness. But I knew someone was in the shadows watching me. Then a figured appeared. He was on fire but no light came from him. It was a black flame. He walked around me, my eyes fall owed him but I could not move nor scream. He just whispered things to me. Terrible things. He told me what was wrong with me.... they were all right.

~~~~~END DREAM~~~~~

I woke up sweating and gasping for air. I was afraid this was gonna happen. I had always been skitsophranic. I always heard whispers that weren't there and saw things that also weren't there. That guy was what always haunted my dreams and I hated it.

I pulled out my phone and did something I regret.

To: Andy ������ Hey.... look I'm really sorry about what happened..... I know I'm a fucking worthless freak that messes up everything.... I just wanted you to know that I don't blame you I know that Juliet's better than me in every way..... I still love you and I always will Andrew... Goodbye forever I guess /:

I held my breath as I sent it. I didn't wanna see what he had to say so I went to sleep, anxious to know what was gonna happen from there.


My phone buzzed. It was a text from Kayla I nervously read it.

From: Kayla ❤ ❤ Hey.... look I'm really sorry about what happened..... I know I'm a fucking worthless freak that messes up everything.... I just wanted you to know that I don't blame you I know that Juliet's better than me in every way..... I still love you and I always will Andrew... Goodbye forever I guess /:

Tears streamed down my face as I replied

To: Kayla ❤ ❤ Kayla don't say stuff like that... You aren't a freak at all and your NOT worthless you mean the world to me your all I've ever wanted Juliet is a fucking whore I hate her YOURE the one who's better please give me another chance I love you so much please don't leave my life if you don't wanna be my girlfriend I understand but please I need you I'm my life... please

I sent the text but I knew she would have went to bed afraid I would tell her off cause she's convinced I hate her. I went to bed, but sleep was hard to find and if I did it was filled with nightmares of losing my Kayla.

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