Maybe just one las try....

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I woke up to see a text from Kayla. A smile crept on to my face.

from Kayla- Maybe we could give us on last try I don't understand why you want to be with me I mean I'll just fuck it all up in the end anyways but hey I always do...

My smile faded slightly.

To Kayla- Darling please I promise we'll make this work..... I love you <3

From Kayla- I love you too

To Kayla- baby when am i gonna be able to see you??

From Kayla- I've decided to stay here for my summer.....

My heart sunk... I really did love her.

To Kayla- Oh... okay when i get a break Ill come see you

From Kayla- okay babe well we'll work it out..

To Kayla- yea your right... im sorry i gtg i have practice

From Kayla-  okay babe ttyl

~~~~~~~2 weeks later ~~~~~~~~~


Its been hard not seeing Andy but, i really needed this time to myself.

It was a little before sunset and I was sitting out by the water. It was so beautiful here. I hugged my knees as I watched the sunset over the mountains. It grew rather dark fairly quickly yet, I didnt move I felt like someone was watching me. My heart started to hammer in my chest. I didnt knlw what to do. I reached for my pocket knife and slowly stood up. With speed, I turned around and swung my knife. No ome was there.... I made my way back, knife in hand. I was close enough to make a run for it.

I slammed the door behind me and locked it. I leaned up against the door and cought my breath. Once I was finally calm I could hear voices from the kitchen.... One spunded like....

"ANDY!" I screamed running into the kitchen.

He turned around to me and smiled. "Surprise babe." I smiled and hugged him. I couldn't believe he was really here. He held me close for awhile. When we finally broke we went up to my room.

"So what are you doing here i thought you didn't get a break till next month?"

"Well manager gave me a day off to come and well get you..." I'm looked at him confused. "What I mean is the guys were complaining how miserable I was without you so, my manager wants you to come on tour with us... Whatcha think?"

"YES OF COURSE!!" I scrambled and tightly hugged him.

We spent the night cuddling in my bed. All I could think was.. Tour life here I come.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2014 ⏰

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