Tape 4- Tyler

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-Back Story-
N- You and Tyler, and also Dan, have been friends ever since you were little. The three of you did everything together.
-Back to our regular scheduled programming-
Before I start this, yes Dan and Phil are gay. Thank you

N- As many of you know Tyler is gay but, when Dan and Tyler filmed videos together Tyler always had a somewhat of a huge crush on Dan. Dan wasn't interested in Tyler. He was dating Phil. When Dan and Phil we taking a break because they wanted to work somethings Tyler asks Dan out, Dan says no.
T- "Hey, this might be a stupid question but, umm."
D- "Yes Tyler?"
T- "I know you and Phil are taking a break for awhile so I was going to ask."
D- "Oh Tyler. Umm I know what you're going to ask. And umm sorry I'm not interested."
T- "Im sorry, I knew the answer just wanted to ask anyways."

-Dan and Phil-
N- Tyler made up a plan to get Dan back. His plan includes Phil moving in with him. Tyler just moved to London and his plan worked and he stole Phil.
P- "Hey Dan!"
D- "Yes Phil?"
P- "I'm moving out! With.."
N- But before Phil could finish Dan walked out.
P- "Dan wait, don't do this."
N- locked himself in his room. So, Phil decided to call you!
P- "Hey Y/N, umm Dan and I kinda got into an argument and he locked himself in his room. So, I was wondering if you could help him?"
Y/N- "Sure!"

By this time yes Dan and Phil are gay and dating again.

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